
Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Flog for June 26

Came home after a 'stressful' day at work, and hit the sack really early. Found out I wasn't going to get the hours I was promised when the manager went on holidays in July, only ended up with about 8 extra hours, so was a bit ticked off and a lot disppointed with that. Then I found out I am actually making the same hourly wage as someone who just started a bit over a year ago, even though I'm the one who supposedly takes over management duties when the manager isn't there. So guess who's asking for a raise, and probably won't get one.

However - yesterday my bike rode to work with me in truck, and waited quietly at a nearby post while I dragged myself through the day. Then I rode/walked home, which was nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but not quite. I'd ride until my butt bones got sore from the seat, then I'd walk a bit until my knee got sore, and alternated like that all the way home. It was a beautiful windless day, and I was listening to my MP3 player, so all in all, in was a good ride.
  • Breakfast - Toast and coffee
  • Lunch - Veggie sandwich, yogurt w/fruit, 1% milk
  • Dinner- Honey Nut Cheerios w/2% milk
  • Snack - Banana. banana, 2 strawberries

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