
Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Flog for July 10

What a busy fun-filled day! Steve gave Nikkie and me a ride to the nearest SkyTrain Station, so we wouldn't miss the 12:30 showing of Pirates of the Caribbean Stranger Tides, and we rushed up the stairs and hopped aboard an almost gone SkyTrain to Metrotown in Burnaby. It wasn't until we were two stops away I realized we had forgotten to validate our transit tickets. Oops. If we were checked by the notorious SkyTrain police, we could have been jumped on, dragged out, and beaten up - or at the very least, each of us would have ended up with an eighty dollar fine.

So we made a plan - if we saw the Sky Train police board the car, we were going to rush off and do a Thelma and Louise thingie, except for the end part. However, we did finish our illegal ride safely and quite cheaply - however, neither one of us felt either brave or lucky enough to try the same thing on the way back.

However - as far as the movie is concerned - nothing like the first one of the Pirate movies. Gotta love Jack Sparrow though, even though he wasn't prancing about over rope bridges. And the missionary was very cute, I'm not sure what happened to him in the end, but I hope he lives on. And I never realized mermaids were so nasty.

 On the way home we stopped at the Surrey Pride Festival and watched some lame dancer/lip singer group prance on the stage. Definitely not America's Got Talent talent. Saw a few ugly men dressed up fancy as ugly ladies - even saw one try pole dancing, which was something I won't mind forgetting, especially as he/she flashed his/her panties. Tried so hard to get Nikkie to give it a try - the pole dancing thing, not the tranny - but no way would she. If anyone had asked me to try it, I would have, but I guess no one had the desire to see a 58 year old chubby granny doing the splits sideways and upside down. Oh well. (Kinda sad actually. Think I'll go eat some worms.)
  • Breakie - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Small movie popcorn w/butter, small Sprite
  • Dinner - 1 slice of Hawaiian Pizza
  • Snacks - several Timbits (that means I lost count), yogurt, diet Pepsi, more Timbits ....
Now I find out I have to work tomorrow, as co-worker is sick. So much for my second day off. Bummer. So I guess we're heading out of Surrey at about five o'clock tomorrow morning, then bussing to Steveston at eight for 8 1/2 hours of no break.

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