
Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Flog for July 16 + A Memory

As you may know, I went walking last night. My MP3 player joined me with a crazy mix, and one song brought back a memory of long long ago.

I remember back in the early 70's, dressed in hot pants, blue eye shadow and tall platform shoes, strolling in towards Trinity Cabins, carrying my portable radio/cassette player with me and listening to music - this one was one of my favourties then, and it still is. What a difference the years have made - from the first 'boom box' and the 6- 8 D batteries it took to power it, to my little wee MP3 player that can carry hundreds of tunes. Then I just turned the music up so everyone nearby could also hear it, whether they wanted to or not - now, I just shove tiny little thingies in my ears and I'm in my own little world.

  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Veggie Sandwich and Pea Soup from Steveston Bakery - but didn't get any tarts, eccles cakes, cheesecakes, carrot cakes, grand marnier truffles...etc etc etc etc....
  • Dinner -YEAH! Sweet and Sour Pork and Chicken Chow Mein from our new favourite Chinese take-out plus one fortune cookie - if I'm nice good things will happen to me. Too bad I'm not nice any more
  • Snacks - Diet Pepsi, Hot Chocolate, yogurt w/fruit, grapes
Well, that's it. Another loooooooong day at work, now I'm off for two days. I'm flipping exhausted, my back hurts, and my knee is sore. Poor me, no wonder I'm not nice any more. I don't think I'll go for a walk tonight, I think I'll just crawl upstairs and go to bed instead. Yawn.

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