
Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Flog for September 10 + Don't Even Ask

  • Breakfast - Honey Nut Cheerios w/Milk, Coffee
  • Lunch - Home-made Chicken Veggie Soup - and it was/is really really really good, yummy
  • Dinner - 2 Slices of French Bread w/Jam - I already had my soup, and I've been grazing on and off all day, so I wasn't really hungry
  • Snacks - See? Told you - Yogurt, Raisins, Diet Pepsi, you know these Strawberry Marshmallow candies that have sugar on them? The red ones? Well, some of these. Geez, is that all? I feel like I was snacking all day. Guess not. Oh rats, I almost forgot - two Bisquick tea buns with Becel and Jam. For the life of me, I cannot make tea buns like my mom's - they were called scones (rhyming with cons) and not scones (rhyming with bones, like the smart-asses around here call them.) However, I make do with the Bisquick recipe - I would pass them on as my own if I had to.
Okay. If anyone asks me, "How are you?" I'm not going to pussy foot around. Here is how I am:
  1. I have a cold. A sore throat, a runny nose, a sneezing, coughing cold.
  2. I have a UTI. If you don't know what these letters stand for, you are one lucky bugger. These are the letters that make you shiver when you pee, that make you squirm and rock to and fro, that keep you up all night just so you can go sit on the toilet and dribble while the tears roll down your cheeks.
  3. I have the spider's gift that keeps on giving - A growing lump with a nasty black centre that hurts like the devil if I touch it.
And - people tell me that a spider's bite can cause the first two troubles - bloody spider. And I try not to swear any more.

Tomorrow I get to go to work again, oh joy oh bliss. Today I packed about a thousand boxes, soon there won't be anything left in the house except dust ... and spiders. I was smart enough today to pack the mixer (no more baking.) However, Howard was smart enough to pack the barbecue, so we can all figure out what that means.

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