
Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Flog for October 29 + Box, Bean & Bacon Soup , and Bread Blues, All Bummers.

Okay. You may think I have it easy, but you'd be wrong. 97% of my Stuff is in boxes, which in itself isn't a really bad thing. However, last week, when I wanted to find some kitchen stuff, I had to climb up the stepladder, squish myself between a desk and the wall, and move three layers of boxes high and three layers wide to find what I needed - the box was the last one in, and the last one under. Every box I packed had a list of inside stuff written on the outside, but somehow the words were on the back of each box. Nothing is easy.

I thought I could live with that, until today, when I went looking for some more needed stuff. This Stuff I knew I had packed earlier on, weeks before our actual move, so I thought the box I needed would be under the stairs. These boxes, stowed away by moi, were only two layers wide, and I made sure the words were visible. After moving all the outer ones, I realized what I was looking for was not there, so it was back to Howard's stowaway corner - and the box I needed, which was three layers in and three layers under, on the opposite side from the previous needed box. I am tired of moving, lugging and lifting boxes. In fact, I am beginning to hate boxes in general.
  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Brunch - Bacon, Scrambled Eggs, Toast and Coffee at A&W in the Richmond Centre
  • Dinner - Bacon and Bean Soup, fresh Dinner Roll filled with home-made goodness - the Bacon and Bean Soup recipe came from our last copy of the DownHome Magazine, and if I think it is worthy, I'll post the recipe below....if it's not there, it's pretty bad. 
  • Snacks - 1/4 Cranberry Orange Muffin, Yogurt, Diet Pepsi
Don't bother. Get KFC instead.

By the Way: When my two loaves (but no fishes) were in the oven, my husband decided there was heat escaping from the oven door, so used the lever near the top of the oven door to tightly secure the oven door. After 20 minutes of baking, the top of the bread looks like giant mushrooms, and there is no heat in the oven. That's when my clever shipwright of a husband realized the lever on the oven door is to use when the oven self-cleans, and said oven doesn't heat up. Damn.

My prognosis on the outcome of the two loaves is not good. We'll see. We may forgive, but we absolutely will not forget.

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