
Friday, November 4, 2011

My Flog for November 3 - Better Late Than Never.... I Guess...

No words got tapped last night, as I came home, ate supper, and went to bed. I thought I was going to watch The Big Bang Theory from my cozy comforter-laden spot, but sleep got the better of me. I guess Hubby turned off the telly sometime during the night.

Yesterday, even though it was my normal day off, I did go to work - and spent most of my 6 hours pricing Christmas Stuff. Yes, it's all here, Trees and Angels and even Moose and Bears, believe it or not. All that Traditional Seasonal Stuff. Since I got off two and a half hours early, I headed to my old stompin' grounds and got my hair cut, then to the Richmond Centre for my Knit Today magazine (more Christmas patterns - I gotta start knitting again...) then home on a crowded bus, and a crowded SkyTrain. I was lucky enough to sit almost all the way though. I felt sorry for all the people lined up for buses at 22nd Street Station in New Westminster - I've never seen such long bus line-ups. And it was so very very cold.

Now all I have to remember was what I ingested (and digested) yesterday - some things will be easy because I was a very naughty gal.

  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee (at 5:15am)
  • Brunch - A huge platter-sized pancake and Coffee at Steveston Hotel (at 8:00am - I had just been 90 minutes on a SkyTrain and a bus, and neither of them had any heat, and I was bloody frozen - so I needed some Cafe style heat and some carbs to get my internal heater going before I went in a cold store - do I really need any more excuses? I think not.)
  • Lunch - Yogurt and Grapes.
  • Dinner - Pasta - Nikkie took leftover frozen Goulash from last week (Howard's creation), and leftover frozen Spaghetti Sauce from God Knows When (her creation) and mixed it all together in a pan and smothered it with Grated Cheese and heated it in the Oven - and it was soooo Yummy - tasted very much like Lasagna...
  • Snacks - Hallowe'en sized candy bars - I conveniently forget how many, but I knew I shouldn't have bought a bag of them just because they were on sale....I'm going right now to drop the rest of them in the kids' Hallowe'en a few minutes, any way... 

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