
Friday, January 13, 2012

How the Hell Did That Get There? - It Wasn't Us - A Memory

A post in my nieces' blog reminded me of a trip to a conference in St John's with three other teachers. I should probably use pseudonyms so I'm not sued, but what the hell.

I know Pearl, grade 3 teacher and co-conspirator, would read this and remember. I would think the two high school teachers have blocked the memory, but I'm not sure how they would feel about my writing part of their memoirs, so I'll keep their names out of this.

The trip started out a bit boring, at least in the front seat of the car where the two males were sitting. Pearl and I were busy in the back seat plotting and planning. After about an hour on the road, the driver decided it was time to stop at a watering hole for a beer, but Pearl and I decided to stay in the car. See, even back then, I wasn't a beeraholic.

It seemed they were in the bar forever, and we got tired waiting, so we decided to take some action. A furtive exploration of the trunk found a pair of boy underpants in somebody's overnight bag. Now the problem was how to tie them to the radio antenna - ah, no problem at all for a young smrt mind - the string of a Tampax worked really well. Then it was just a sit and wait some more.

And it was wait, wait, wait all over again. In fact we got so bored we went in and gave them a subtle hint as to why they should leave - I can't remember what, but probably something along the lines of  ' The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind.' I don't think they 'got it' right away, so we just went back to the car to wait some more.

Finally, we saw them leave the pub, strolling along like they had all the time in the world - until they realized there was a new flag flying on the vehicle. Then they moved rather smartly.

It was a really quiet trip after that - except for us two in the back seat. They didn't stop on the way home, although their (probably) used underwear would have so absolutely safe then), and I do believe it was the last trip we took together, for some unknown reason.

Frenching beds and 5 AM wakeup calls? Oh yeah, that was part of our repertoire too. But it's always nice to go one step farther - right?

Check out my nieces' blog -

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