
Monday, January 2, 2012

My Flog for January 2 - Two Days Gone Already And I Have Nothing Done!

What a huge (or should I say 'small?) surprise today. I hauled a pair of waaay too small jeans from a box, and thought I would keep them in the bedroom, just as an incentive for saying "No, no no" to the leftover treats, both here and the 75% ones in the stores. But I ended up trying them on - and they fit! They were tight, but eased with a little time, and, even though I was afraid I'd bust the arse out of them when I sat on the bus, they held true and got me there and back with no air-conditioning. I may even wear them to work tomorrow. Damn, I have to go to work tomorrow.

These were the way too small jeans I bought last summer at Sears, because they were already on clearance, and had a 70% OFF sale price tag. Nice Nevada jeans for under $3. Ta da!

Other than that, it was an uneventful day. Howard went back to work, and brought his aching feet home at 4pm. Tomorrow, Steve starts again, and I have 2 days to punch in before I get another few days off.
  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Some yucky Chow Mien I bought in a box at the Dollar Store and microwaved into a mess. It wasn't very good. (Reminder to me: Don't buy any more of it.)
  • Dinner - Turkey Pot Pie and leftover veggies from last night's feast
  • Snacks - some candies (they are all gone now, no more worries), 3 chocolate covered cookies (they'll soon be gone, too) and a (smallish) piece of Lime Key Pie
Didn't do much today. Tidied a bit, laundried (one load washed, dried, folded, and tucked away), bused to the Superstore, Michael's and the Dollar Store with Nikkie, made dinner, and cleaned up that. The rest of the night is to be dedicated to knitting, TV, (there's a Chopped! Marathon on Channel 52), and sleep. .

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