
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Flog for January 25

Today, I knitted, computered, cooked, baked, tidied, laundried, swept, and I don't remember what else. Now it's time to sit, tap, maybe watch a bit of TV later on, and knit a bit more. Radio on now, someone tucked in bed already warming the sheets - lucky me.

We had an early dinner, as Steve is off to start the second half of his Residential Landscaping course. Guess I should have taken a snapshot of him walking out the door. One does tend to get a bit lazy as one ages.

Talking about aging, Howard is looking forward t his first Canada Pension cheque, which he's supposed to receive before the end of the month. I don't know why he's so excited about it, I already know what I'm going to buy. Silly man. 
  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee, at 5:30AM. Yes, even on my day offs, I still get up way before morning and have breakfast. The only difference, is that I feel really hungry by the time I get the kids' breakfast - and always feel like eating again. But I don't. Even though I made them French Toast for their breakfast - I just made a plan for lunch ...
  • Lunch - Pancakes. Two little ones. Lizzie ate three, so you know they were only little. Cranberry Juice.
  • Dinner - Ribs in BBQ Sauce, Fried Rice w/ veggies, Coleslaw. I may have overcooked the ribs, but no one complained, not even the one who usually can find  something wrong with everything. So they must have been really good. He even put a container of them away for for his lunch tomorrow. Also, I mustn't forget - I baked a dessert - Peach Cobbler. And I ate some of it too. Yum. With Dream Whip (that Edible Oil product that's been in the cupboard for years - it probably made at least two moves with us.)
  • Snacks - Diet Pepsi, 3 Cookies

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