
Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Flog for January 28

Today wasn't as exciting as yesterday, as all I bought today was a cabbage and a pack of muffins. Walked 3 miles though, to Walmart and back, with Howard. He actually bought the cabbage, and he paid for the muffins, but I was the one who picked them up.

Feeling cold and shivery today, and really tired, so I do believe I'm coming down with a bug. Which is why I'm taking this yucky feeling body to bed. Tomorrow it's back to my 3-day work week, and already I wish it were over. However, Tuesday is payday, so I have to feel better by then.

  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Rest of the Omelette from yesterday - not the greatest, but it's gone anyway
  • Dinner - Jigg's Dinner, and this time with Peas Pudding - and I must say it was really really good, thank you Howard for cooking it, and Steve for cleaning up after - at least he'd better have cleaned up after, since I'm heading off to bed after this
  • Snacks - Pudding, Flakey Snack (burp)
By the way, Howard got the cedar today for his new canoe, so he'll have something to keep him busy for the rest of the winter..... .....and spring and summer too!

1 comment:

  1. Tamar I'm curious, how many miles do you clock off in a week with all the walking that you do? I am very weak in the descipline department. Hope you feel better real soon.
    Tell Howard that from now on every time I look out the back window I will think of him as there is a 20ft(at least)cedar in Rowie's/ours garden.
