
Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Flog for February 26

Slept in until about 7 AM, then it was an early trip to the bank and the grocery store, to beat the Sunday rush, and to provide me with a much-wanted shopping experience before I headed off to work. Thanks, Howard. Thanks a lot. However, the morning wasn't a complete loss, as we had breakfast at A&W, where the conversation went like this:

Me: I'll have the classic breakfast, please. (Bacon, Eggs, Toast and Coffee)
Gal Behind Counter (from now on, GBC): Do you want white or brown bread?
Me: White, please.
GBC: We only have brown.
Me: Well, I really have no choice then, do I?

Sometimes I really do feel like beating my head against the wall. It may stop me from flitting in and out of the fifth dimension.

  • Breakfast - Bacon, Eggs, Coffee and Whole Wheat Toast 
  • Lunch - Shepherd's Pie and veggie leftovers, 2 Cookies, Ginger Ale
  • Dinner - 2 Chickie Drummies, French Fries, Mixed Veggies, and a piece of Orange Cake
  • Snacks - Banana, Baileys w/Milk (now that's a Worthy Snack. I remember drinking Baileys on ice at The Village Inn, when the world was new. I think my limit was about 16.)
We had more snowflakes today. I don't know about Surrey, but Steveston had hail and snow mixed, heavy at times, but it didn't last when it hit the ground. It's a bit too late in the year for all that, as bulbs are growing and buds are plumping. Spring will be so welcomed.

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