
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Flog for March 20

It was so very cold this morning, even though today is the first day of Spring. However, I did remove my thick,warm, wooly gloves after I got off the bus, so I could share this pretty sight with you all.

It was Show Down at OK Corral later in the morning, when an Asian couple, who had spent about an hour walking around the store, brought up a basket of discounted yarns. I was only too happy to ring up the sale - just over $100 - but Wifey questioned the total.

"A dollar each?"

"No, $5.47 each." I showed her the red sale sticker on each label.

"No, a dollar each." She insisted. "Sign on bin. Everything in bin dollar."

"No, some yarns may be a dollar, but not all. These are not."

"But sign on bin."

So I stalked around the counter, and went to the bin. She followed, and pretended to look all over for a sign that had obviously evaporated within the previous five minutes. No sign. Not even the slightest sign of a sign.

Ha. Can't pull the wool over my eyes! (Get it? Wool? Huh?) Back to the cash register, a finger poke on the subtotal void button, and a "Bye bye" to the yarnless couple.

I love my job, I love my job, I love my job ......

  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Chicken Soup, Orange
  • Dinner - Left over Pork, and hallelujah, I finally got my Mashed Potatoes. I had to mash them myself, of course, but at least they were cooked. Almost. 
  • Snacks - Hot Chocolate, 3 cookies, a couple of candy, Sparkling Water, and a Diet Pepsi
The day ended on a good note - I got a ride home from work with Neil and his family, so I didn't have to subject my tired and achy body to a bumpy, noisy, smelly, crowded bus and train ride. And there was heat in the van, which was a really nice change from drafty buses and chilly trains.

After we got home, Clayton treated my eardrums to a few beats of the not-distant-enough-drums
And then his Uncle Steve showed off for a few minutes, while I went inside to stuff my ears with cotton.
... he was a very quiet child ....

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