
Friday, April 13, 2012

My Flog for April 13

Today was a true and rare Spring Day, so I decided I'd check out the trail around Bear Creek Park.  I planned to have something not so boring to write about tonight, and a five kilometre walk through the forest sounded like a good way to go. I would follow a creek or two, maybe even see an eagle sighting, me and the camera that has the zoomy lens on it - sounds good, doesn't it?

There were some nice shots on the way - apple blossoms and wheelbarrows -

Nature blooms with the help of people near the entrance to the trail.
 And the trail was very nice, peaceful but chirpy, with the occasional squirrel.
However, it seems the trail I chose did little but a streamside meander, which was very nice -
- but within 15 minutes it had me back on King George Highway, which wasn't really my plan. I decided to just give up for the day, as I really really needed to pee anyway, so I headed towards 88 Avenue, on the way home. I may not have seen any wildlife on my shortened Nature Walk, but I did see some crazylife in the middle of King George Highway -
- don't know if you can see the gal in the middle of 5 lanes of traffic and two bike lanes, trying to cross the road.

However, to make a short story long - like my walk - as I was walking up 88th Avenue, I found another Nature Path which was I sure would be a shortcut to home -
- after all, it was going in the right direction, over that way, and it looked a lot nicer than the sidewalk beside hundreds of noisy vehicles.

I don't want to even think about the rest of the walk. What should have taken under 10 minutes ended up almost two hours, going this way and that, dead-ending, and having no idea where I was. At one point I thought I saw my Hydro ladies up ahead, but when I got there, they were shorter and fatter, not the pretty ones that watched over my walks to Walmart. However I knew I was close to home once again, when I reached the Quibble Creek sign again - and once again, following a path with more than one choice, ended up on King George and 92th Avenue - somehow I had once again skipped 90th, but at least from there I knew how to get my bladder home.

I don't know why my sense of direction is so screwed up. I guess I'll either have to save up for a portable GPS or stay home playing solitaire all day.
  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Pea Soup and the best Molasses Raisin Bread in the World
  • Dinner - Ham and Cheese Sandwich, and Pudding
  • Snacks - a bit of Peach Cake

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