
Friday, May 18, 2012

My Flog for May 18

It was a beautiful sunny day again, but the wind was still a bit too cool for my liking. I wish we'd get nice warm temps, with no wind to chill everyone. I don't think I'm asking too much, just a bit of normal regular May weather. You'd swear there was an iceberg floating down Bear Creek.

I rode my bike for the first time in over a year, and I must say, it was quite easy once I got over the initial whoopsy daisy balancing act. Howard whooshed some air in the tires with his mighty compressor first, as they were a bit sloppy, and away I went.
The road I travelled was very pleasant - it takes me 220 steps to walk it from my house to Steve's house, where my bike was, and as you  can see, it is all downhill. I did have to pedal twice to get started, then it was just a breeze - although I did worry for a minute that the brakes wouldn't work, as I gathered up speed. They did, but they were really noisy.
Now she too is home safe and sound, locked onto Steve's antique lawnmower. I'd like to see the person trying to steal these strange Siamese twins.
  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Pudding
  • Dinner - Pork Chop, Fries, and Onion Rings
  • Snacks - I hopped another ride on the Carb Express today - cookies, cake, candy - what can I say. I'm just a Non-Will-Powerful Person.

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