
Friday, June 8, 2012

JUNE 8 - Rain Again, Flower Wars, Chain Letter ReRun

Another cold day. It rained hard all afternoon, then turned into a bit of a drizzle, and finally became sunshine. The only good thing about this, is the flowers and strawberries don't need me to sprinkle them with water.

But what a difference a few hours make - this afternoon, it was like this for a couple of hours. I thought I'd have to find the life jackets and tip the canoe upright - you can even see the street name post reflected in the water build-up on the road, not to mention the little yellow fishy trying to swim uphill.

Pouring buckets, little rivers running down the hill in front of the house - I can't believe there was no thunder and lightning to match the rain. However, after Howard got home, everything was dry and now it's like this -
- a beautiful sunny evening. The sun even had some warmth in it, as long as the wind wasn't blowing. Maybe spring is on the way, which would be good, as summer is only a couple of weeks away.

And regarding my strawberries - I bought ten plants at the nursery, but only had room for eight in my wonderful strawberry patch, so I planted the extra two in Howard's front garden. They are tucked in between his marigolds and pepper plants - yes, marigolds and pepper plants. I think he watered his garden once. Meanwhile, my garden gets a lot of attention.

'Hey, little flowers, are you thirsty? No? Are you sure?'

'Maybe a little drinkie? Just a wee bit?'

'Well, I'll check back later just in case you dry up a bit. Meanwhile, enjoy these coffee grounds - oh, let me get that nasty little weed away from you.'

And so on. And guess which strawberry plants are bigger and better? Maybe I should just stick to knitting and tapping.

I notice I've been getting a lot of  'Chain Letter' type of emails again, so thought I'd repost this from a couple of years ago. I've been  deleting them for years, and so far nothing bad (or much good, come to think of it,) has happened to me. This sort of works for some of the Face Book shares I've been getting, too - there is a Hide Story that works quite well for those - (But please don't use that for my Blog posts....)

To Delete or Not Delete

After opening the 8745th email asking me to forward to at least 7 or 78 of my friends or something terrible will happen to me, I’m beginning to feel a little bit nervous. I find it a lot easier to hit the delete key, rather than choose which friends deserve the ultimatum of the day – I would hate to be the one to cause destruction to a friend if they, like me, have worn out the delete key on their computers.

So now, I have to be careful for falling fridges, earthquakes on bridges, chicken bones, exploding phones, toothy pit bulls, sharp garden tools, speeding cars, men from mars, and heaven only knows what else may be lurking around the corner.

Now, on the other hand, if I don’t forward the ones with the angels in them, I will never know what good things I’ve been missing. Would I have won the lottery, had a date with Sean Connery, got a cruise somewhere hot, well, probably not – but I guess I’ll never know, because I don’t hit that forward key and click on Check All in my address book.

If however, you are one of my friends who do indeed forward me these dire warnings or hopeful teasers, I would like to thank you considering me a friend - but you can stop sending me these emails now, because you know I’ll just get rid of them right away, and break all these pretty chains. Sorry.

So I’ll spend my days deleting and watching where I step, thinking about all the treasures I’m giving up, praying to stay alive and healthy until the next time I check my email and receive 12 more warnings.

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