
Thursday, August 9, 2012

AUGUST 9 - Mud Bay, Wildflowers, and Yummy Treats

Today Breehy and I decided to go for a long, long ride, to Mud Bay , which is way far away in the southern part of Surrey. However, when I checked the map, I thought we were good for it, we had been nearly there a couple of weeks ago when we couldn't find the Royal Bank.

Ten minutes or so after we left, on the way up a particularly obnoxious hill, we passed this sign, and I thought, 'How appropriate.' My thighs were burning and and I felt about 100 years old. However, I persevered.
Ah, 132 Street and 64 Avenue - there is a REALLY cool corner shop where I got a bottle of water on the way - and made an appointment with myself to stop on the way back (if I made it back) for a Screamer and a slice of Pizza.

A really cool fence. Much nicer than the wire one from a few weeks ago, which was wrapped with artificial pine branches.
 I saw so many strange and beautiful flowers and plants on the way. Just after I passed this, what I thought was a crow flew from a tree - but it wings were brilliant blue. At first I thought, 'Blue Jay!' but then realized no, it was too big for a blue jay.
 Came upon two gals and their horses. At least Breehy doesn't poop on the road.
And nearing the park, I had to stop for a mid-morning feast of blackberries. Yum. Yum Yum. (The red ones aren't ripe yet - they're still green. Only a fellow Newfoundlander will understand that one, I guess.)
Looking good - seems I didn't go the wrong way after all. I thought I did. I had just wheeee-ed down a really really long downhill, and panted up an equally long uphill, when I checked my directions and realized I had hung a left instead of a right. So then it was wheee down the latter, and puff up the former, which had turned into a really really long uphill, where I stopped (actually I had no choice but to stop - if I didn't, my heart would have.) So I pulled out my piece of paper again, and realized I hadn't taken a wrong turn after all. So .... I had to backtrack down and up these jesus murphy joseph hills again.
 I don't know why Johnny Cash came to mind when I crossed this track - well, maybe I do.
You'd think we were at the entrance, wouldn't you? But no, this just shows its the road to the park. A few what seemed like miles later -
 past the thistles, which reminded me of Thithter Thuthie, who I do believe must have been one of the most stupid people alive -
 and we finally made it. Now I realize my yearning to stand knee deep in the Pacific Ocean was not to be satisfied, as this is not a sandy beach like Sunset Beach, but as the name implies, a beach of mud flats.
At first I had an Oh No moment, but I checked my phone's trusty calendar and realized August was good for riding Breehy.
I'm posting the signs that explain what one sees, as they are all Poetry. Seems I'm not the only one who can rhyme a few words.

 A dedication sign on a bench - I thought that was a beautiful sentiment.
 More poetry
It is very pretty, but I don't know if one is allowed to go down there. Whoever does the park signs seems pretty adamant that no one trespasses on the 'natural habitat,' and I think there would  be a lot of  'natural habitat' there. Also there are lots of rocks and bushes between the path and the beach, which would make getting down there very difficult, especially for someone wearing shorts and little shoes with paper soles.
After cycling the waterside path, instead of circling around on the 3km loop, I chose to go farther afield to the south, still following a bike/walking path that paralleled a very busy highway.

How beautiful is this?
 And how beautiful is this?

 And what about the giant Shasta Daisies?
 More mud flats
And this one was just irresistible. I plunked Breehy down by a stony path, and took life and limb in hand as I scrambled down to the beach. If I hadn't read a sign saying there were lots of shells down there, I would never have been tempted.
These aren't very stable rocks either. But I made it down, picked up an old cork fishing net float, and managed to get back up in one piece. No shells in sight, though. I would call that False Advertising.
The scenery changed from ocean views ...
... to wildflowers edging both sides of the path.
My only Hope was that I was going to get back home with no problems. I do sometimes wonder what I would do if Breehy got a flat tire in an out-of-the-way place.

You've already seen me entering Delta from the North -  now here I came from the South.
Once again, at the bottom of the chain.
And I suppose if I go biking here in the fall, I better be prepared. Seems like there's an open season on walkers, bikers and horse riders from September through March.
Just a short way up from the path is the highway that leads to the States. I could have followed this path to Tsawassan, which is spelled terrible wrong but I don't care, but it was 14 km there, and I would have had to ride back.

As far as riding there and getting Howard to come pick me up after work? His comment was:

'Like hell I would.'
I couldn't get over the amount of beautiful wildflowers.
And berries which looked so very delicious but were unknown to me. I'll stick to the blackberries.
These are some type of ferns, I would think. Maybe someone out there knows what they are?
And when I got back to the park entrance, there was a Natural Driftwood Art installation, right beside the bathrooms. I was going to use the bathroom, but they were the outhouse type where you didn't flush, and God knows how many rats, spiders and other unsavory beasties were lurking under the toilet seat. Besides, I had enough of outhouses in my younger days, one time in particular when I was sitting on the throne and a huge rat decided to hover in the corner by the door watching me with his beady little eyes.
On the way home, I stopped and took a picture of a couple of horses at a riding place. Howard says he won't go horseback riding with me, hmmm - wonder who will? Because I want to do that now. I haven't ridden a horsey since I was in my 20s.
On the other side of the road from the horses, was a humongous Blueberry Farm. Mmmm. Too bad there was a huge ditch separating it from the road. Not that I would steal any - at least not in daylight.
And after another arduous uphill and downhill and uphill (mostly) journey, I once again reached 132 St and 64 Avenue, where my Screamer and my pizza awaited me.
Oh yum. Then it was another long long journey home - a total of over 18 miles, I would think, according to Google Transit and Park signs. I stumbled through the door, inhaled a glass of cranberry juice, a bottle of Bacardi Breezer, half the water that fell from the shower head - and started feeling a bit more human.

I did make a really nice dinner - Chicken Breasts with lovely seasonings and Thick Sweet Teriyaki Sauce, Onions and Peppers sauteed in Olive Oil (with yesterday's left over potatoes sliced up and added at the end - Waste Not, Want Not) and seasoned with teriyaki and soy sauce, and noodles, also with soy sauce.
Now it's late enough for me to go to bed. Goodnight!


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