
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Flog for February 12 + A Pail List (just for starters) and Get Thee Behind Me, Carbs ... oh wait, that's where they're going anyway ....

It's been a long long day, but now I'm home safe and sound - although the wind is blowing the screen door a bit and it sounds like someone is trying to break in. My DH has already gone to bed, so there is no one to save me if someone indeed does break in  - even my cats have gone upstairs.

I was so sleepy this morning (my Tuesday mornings are more like middle of the nights, actually) that I went back to sleep the moment Howard got up. That is the reason I set the alarm on my phone - it jingle jangled 15 minutes later, and it was far enough away that I had to get up to shut the damn thing up. Once the feet hit the cold floor, that's it, so once again I wasn't late for work. Seeing my eagle on the way was a bright spot. There really was no dull spot - but I'm glad the work week's over until next Sunday. I know something exciting has to happen to me before then. Hopefully.

I am excited about some things, actually. I am getting a life - already there are 4 dates for my planner. In March (date to be decided) a bunch of us are going horsey-back riding in Langley, in April, Pauline and I are going to run a Crafts 'n' More booth at a Red Hat Ladies fair, and while that might not sound all that exciting, it will be fun. In May, a gang of us are going zip-lining at Grouse Mountain, and in June, we are going to see Roy and Hayley Cropper (from Coronation Street) at the River Rock Casino in Richmond. So now, if someone asks me out or something, I can say, 'Well, I have to check my calendar.'

The only reason we're doing these things is so I can have something interesting to write about. So I hope you all appreciate it.
  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Spinach Salad, Yogurt
  • Dinner -Burger, (I have to be honest, even though it's painful. It was a Chicken Burger. Howard cooked dinner. Yech.) Potato Salad, Coleslaw, Ginger Ale. (Don't tell him I said Yech or he'll never cook dinner again. Please.)
  • Snacks - the very last piece of Cherry Cake, banana, Hot Chocolate, and (quite) a few Licorice All Sorts
You may have noticed a lack of muffins lately. That';s because I haven't made any lately, nor have I made any bread. I'm back to eating Dempsters Multi Grain again, as it seemed I was the only one eating the home-made bread. It's not actually for my health I'm doing that, but my jeans. The more bread I ate the shrinkier they would become, and I couldn't bear to see them wasting away like that. 

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