
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Flog for March 13 - Apologies to Former Students (For Possibly Boring Classes) - A Rather Unexciting Day Off ...

So much for my Wednesday morning. I hustled my butt to the library for a free seminar on how to load e-books on my 'device', which is a Sony E Reader Neil and Shannon gave me last summer, and I've never figured out how to use. I have two axioms regarding this event - Free is Good, and You Get What You Pay For.

I would have had a much more constructive morning at home playing Solitaire in between washing last night's dinner dishes (which I never did get around to last night, as Chopped! got my attention after Hell's Kitchen was over.)

But to sum it up  - imagine about a dozen people sitting in front of a Power Point presentation, with a gal who wasn't sure of what she was doing half the time pointing out how to click on menus, how to plug in your device to your computer - oh it was so boring she lost me within fifteen minutes. I am sort of glad I went by myself, because if I had had a buddy there, we would probably have gotten into trouble whispering and smothering giggles (or trying to.)

If I could have taken all her words, put them in a blender, and swallowed them, my intestinal tract might have picked up some info as they travelled from end to end - because my brain certainly didn't pick up any as her words travelled through the empty tunnel between my ears. I did learn that half the time the WiFi in the library doesn't work and I did learn that she doesn't really know how to use her new Samsung Galaxy, as she took us through the process of  where is this, what does that do, and well, that doesn't really work etc etc etc. Other than that, I learned Diddly Squat. If I had known how to download a book on my reader, I would have done it right there and then, so I could have started reading it while she droned on.

The seminar was bracketed by two walks in the rain - I really hoofed it getting there, as I had to return home and get my latest appendage - I wish I Phones could be surgically implanted somehow, so it would be impossible to leave without them. I got to the library one minute before 10, and even took the elevator to the 4th floor, instead of doing the stair thing, which I would have done if I felt I had the time. Even so, except for the guy who strolled in 15 minutes late, I was the last one there, walking in sheepishly wet and sweaty and probably red-faced with exertion. I was nice enough not to sit next to anyone though. On the way home, the rain poured even more, and my feet were wet before within 5 minutes. I didn't get warm until I shoved my hands in the hot soapy dishwasher - two birds with one stone and all that.

  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Soup, Banana
  • Dinner - ?
  • Snacks - Yogurt, small bag of Lays chips (well, truthfully, not the smallest one, but not the huge family one either. The just right one to accompany a Diet Pepsi while watching the early news. Maybe that's why I'm not too interested in Dinner. Maybe I'll do a couple of eggs ......)

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