My cell phone shakes my pocket, but I can't answer it because I'm at work and the manager is standing very near by. A couple of minutes later, the work phone rings. It's Neil, asking if I'd like to go 'up North' with him that evening. And of course I replied, "Yes!"
The plan was, get off work at 4, transit home, and have time to get ready to meet him at 88 Avenue and 132 Street around 7pm. However, the best laid plans of mice and men, right? The next call was to tell me I couldn't go - he had to take a different truck up north for one of the switch drivers from Prince George, and it had only one bunk. Oh well, maybe next time.
However - at about 8:30pm, my phone rings again . There was trouble with the new truck, so he was back in The Mistress (yes, that's what he calls his truck), and would pick me up in about half an hour, if I still wanted to go. And of course I replied, "Yes!"
So off we went ..... and the journey was fine ... until a few miles before Chilliwack, when we noticed some strange actions from other people on the road.
Another semi passed us, flashing his lights. Then a wittle bitty truck zoomed by, horn blasting all the way. Then yet another semi with flashing lights .... and Neil realized the running lights on the back of the container he was hauling were not working. It seems it's not a good thing to be hauling a trailer with no running lights at night .... but as we were just a few minutes from the Husky truck stop, and the city lights were no doubt helping motorists behind us actually see the trailer .... we made it there with no problem.
Neil ended up replacing a fuse ... and after a pit stop, a fuel fill up, and a bag fill up of junk food, we were on our way again.
However, after a few miles - no running lights. So it was pull over at the next rest stop, which happened to be somewhere in the middle of nowhere (just before the Hope weigh station), and we spent the first night on the road taking an 8 hour sleep stop - 3 hours drive from home.
And this stop WAS in the middle of nowhere, a pullout off the highway, surrounded by tall dark trees which were probably inhabited by bears, wolves, and axe murderers. Dark washrooms loomed on the far side, and God only knows what kind of monsters lived under the damp smelly toilet seats, monsters that would probably get very upset if a lady peed on them in the middle of the night. However, this didn't prevent Neil wandering over, talking to the mechanic on this cell, taking his time, while I waited all alone in the truck with the passenger door locked.
Even a text message didn't seem to hurry him up ....
Oh well, we did get through the night unscathed, and a mechanic from Hope came in the morning and fixed the wires that were causing the short in the trailer, so it was just a beautiful, relaxing autumn trip - in daylight.
Because he couldn't drop off the container until the following morning, there was no rush to get to Fraser Lake. I was just happy to be there with Neil as he drove through his 33rd birthday.
I just know what's pretty.
At this point, I shared with Neil the ballad about Aunt Daisy's Pussy Cat. Now that he was 33 years old, I thought he was old enough to hear it -you may like to check it out, too. Sorry you won't be able to hear the lonely haunting sound of the train whistle, though.
After dinner, we drove to Fraser Lake, which is about a 45 minute drive west of Vanderfhoof
- the geographical centre of BC - which I've never been to, but which one of my good friends is from (how's that for a grammatically incorrect sentence, huh?) I don't know if I passed the service station she worked at when she was young girl, but I'll never forget her telling me she was putting air in a bike tire for someone, and put in so much air she blew the tire apart.
We spent another night pulled over at the side of a lonely country road, but somehow it wasn't as full of potential disasters as the night before. Then, about 6:30 the next morning, we were at the Fraser Lake sawmill waiting for someone to sign the delivery papers so we could head for home.
Because there was no empty trailer there for Neil to bring back to Richmond, we bobtailed it back to Prince George. It was a bit of a bumpy ride with no container attached - these trucks were built to carry a heavy load, and when one goes with no load ... well, I wish now I hadn't googled it. Oh well, it's a rare thing, and he would be picking up a container in PG anyhow.
The morning air became thick with fog ....
...which left an ice buildup on the mirrors ...
... but by the time we got to Prince George it was starting to clear up.
And ... to make a long trip even longer - dispatch told him we had to wait until about 3:30 for a container to bring home, so after a hearty breakfast, we read/listened to music/did crossword puzzles/played solitaire ... until we gave it all up and went for a nap. However, at 2:30, he got the text ... no container, so it was a bobtail ride all the way home. Beautiful driving weather, though.
.... and because there was no trailer attached, Neil was able to drive down our little street and drop me off at our driveway, rather than have me walk a ways all by myself in the dark midnight hour.
So bobtailing isn't always a bad thing after all.
And now, Neil has a new traveling companion. Hope I still get the occasional ride, though!