However, I really do want to get back into the writing thingie, even though most of the time there's not enough words floating around my head to fill even one page of a children's dictionary. But I'll try. I know I can always find something to complain about, so maybe that's a good starting point.
So .... needless to say, it was Monday morning a few hours ago, and it certainly bit me and thousands of other commuters who needed the Sky Train to get to work. I don't understand how a power outage way way out in Vancouver could affect the trains that were leaving Surrey, but somehow it did. Because I piddled around this morning, doing silly useless things like my New York Times Crossword puzzle ( weekend archives - the daily beginning of the week ones are too easy for my big fat brain), and having a shower, I missed the bus I should have taken. It was just after 7 o'clock when I got to Surrey Central Station, where I got to mingle with a huge crowd of waiting people. And, alas, when the train came, it was already packed to the gills -
But I survived. I was at work for about half an hour before my stomach started rolling, and it became a Gravol kind of day. But - I suffered through it, and now I'm home in my nice flannel nightie and my nice flannel jammie bottoms, with a nice shell-shaped chocolate sliding down my throat. And tomorrow I get to do it all over again!
You produced a pretty funny image in my brain there, Tamar! You always do, whether you're complaining or not! I love your words and I love that we have the same New Year's Resolution this year!