
Sunday, July 2, 2023

July 2 - If anyone sees my sense of humour around anywhere, please send it back. TIA.

You know the old song - Some days are silver, some days are gold? Well, my day seemed more like

lead, unfortunately, but that's okay, I'll keep on keeping on. 

It was a beautiful summer day, a bit hot in the sun, but we don't have to suffer too much as we have an air conditioner in our room. The next few days are supposed to be super hot, so we'll probably hibernate a bit. We've been doing a lot of that recently, come to think about it, so I guess I shouldn't blame the heat. 

I did suggest - insist - that we go to Bear Creek Park gardens for a short stroll, after supper and before tackling supper cleanup, and although He wouldn't come out and say it was a nicer walking venue than the back alley, I'm sure he must have thought it.

(Howard sitting on a bench.)

When we got home, I took some pics of growing things in our garden, so all in all it was a pretty flowery evening.

  One of the nasturtiums - prettiest colours.

(Yellowish with a touch of orange.)

  I didn’t count them but there must be at least 874,342 baby grapes on this plant.

(I promise this is true.)

A mass (mess?) of Sweet Peas, and their scent is very sweet. (You’ll have to believe me,)

While I was clearing the table, Nikkie came into the kitchen, laughing. Her new Apple watch had just  told her it was time to stand. I said, 'Too bad it didn't tell you it was time to do the dishes.' Maybe next time? 

By the way, I just spent about 15 minutes trying to download pics, quite unsuccessfully, I might add. You've probably noticed.Anyway, my day is almost done, and I'm hoping to get a picnic in there somewhere tomorrow. I don't care if he is sick of sandwiches - I guess I could just bring a can of beans and a can opener instead. We'll see.

UPDATE: Sunday morning was more cooperative in loading pics.  Still a pain though  

UODATE #2: Seems the pics didn’t hop from the editing stage to the publishing stage. 

To hell with it. My coffee is cold now.

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