
Sunday, August 6, 2023

August 6 - Your wife always knows best. If I say you’ll have fun, believe me, you’ll have fun.

So, I said, Let’s go to the Cloverdale Flea Market, it will be fun.  
I persuaded a husband to come with Brad and me, and I must say, he seemed to be having lots of fun. 

He even thought about buying a cowboy hat, but realized he didn’t live in Calgary. 
I got some bay leaves to liven up potatoes, and an Elvis book for Chris. So much for my allowance!

Figured we’d go to St. John’s (I mean Delta) for lunch.

The mural on the wall, for those unfamiliar, is of row housing in St. John’s, Newfoundland. This wall is in the Mary Brown’s restaurant in Delta, BC.

Howard wondered why they didn’t have Mary Brown’s slogan anywhere. We explained that the phrase ‘The best legs in town’ is not quite appropriate in this day and age. 

Neil and his partner, Sarah, joined us for the afternoon, and it was so lovely to have the 3 boys all together again. Steve barbecued supper, the next generation played complicated board games, and the old folks went for a lie down. 


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