
Sunday, September 17, 2023

September 17 - I said it looked like rain, and it rained, just as Steve had the bbq going. Ain’t that life, now ….

 A cloudy, dull weather kind of Sunday, but my Sunday wasn’t dull at all. Went to the Superstore with Steve, and also went to his favourite meat store - Glory Meats, on 104 Street. Of course he had to make a comment about pork hocks - he still thinks it’s funny that his mommy was asking for por.. khocks at a store a couple of years ago. Just because I wanted to make pea soup and couldn’t find a ham bone. Oh well.

A short while ago, I made a statement that Howard and I never bicker. While diving into the archives this evening, I came across this little gem that kind of proves I lied.  Well, not intentionally, of course. 


2010 ish

Today I realized that, even though we occasionally usually disagree over some most things, I have learned to differentiate between the 'little' things and the 'big' things, thus saving the sweat for the more important disagreements when I am definitely right and he's not.

‘Jeez, it's freezing!'

'No, it's not, it's plus one.'

'Well, there's frost all over the truck.'

'It's still not freezing.'

'Yes, dear, you're right. Can I put my feet on your tummy?|'

So that concludes the conversation, no use arguing over something I cannot possible be right about, not with the Weather Network taking up a substantial corner of the living room.

Meanwhile, a little-used part of my brain is trying to remember where I stowed my cute little shoes last fall.

'They're in the hall closet.'

'No, I looked there, they're not.'

'Yes they are.'

'I hauled everything out and they're not there, and they're not in our upstairs closets either...I have no idea where they are.'

So he walks over to the hall closet, reaches in and pulls out my little - well, to tell the truth, they're not really little - shoes and says:

'I told you they were there.'

'Yes, of course you're right, you're always right, aren't you?'

Now, to put a full stop to this one, I have to walk away and get busy doing something, like seeing if these shoes still fit.

Now, sometimes I know I'm right, but trying to get that across to someone who knows he's also right can be quite difficult.

'Do you remember when (insert friend's name) and I went to (insert place) to see whatever it was we went there to see?'

'That wasn't who you went with, you went with (different friend's name.)'

'No, I would know who I went weren't even there.'

'Well, I know damn sure it wasn't (original friend's name.)'

Okay, then, this isn't worth arguing over. Sometimes just knowing one is right is enough. So the correct response to this situation is:

'Whatever you say, dear.'

And then, of course, there is the one where I know absolutely I am wrong, and he knows absolutely that he is right, but I would never admit to it.

'Where is that bottle of rum I bought last week?'

'Didn't you have it in the garage?'

'No, it was in the cupboard.'

'I don't think so, I saw it in the garage.'

'Why the hell would it be in the garage? I put it in the cupboard last Sunday after the game was over. I remember the kitchen was in a mess, and you were on the damn computer, and you were wearing your old sloppy track pants and drinking diet Pepsi, and there was snow falling and my wrist hurt. And when I put it in the cupboard I spilled the dog's water and slipped and almost broke my neck. So yes, I did put it in the cupboard.'

'Well, I saw it in the garage.'

But actually, I was wrong, even though I wouldn't admit it. I actually had poured it down the sink, but I would never admit to that. So the correct response in this situation:


Oh oh, better go...he's asking me if I remember what month we decided to move to BC - even though he says it was February, I know damn well it was April - this could be a lengthy one.


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