
Monday, September 26, 2011

My Flog for September 26

Same old stuff, you don't need to keep on reading about me washing walls and going to work with unco-ordinating shoes, so I won't subject you to all that nonsense. Besides that, no one offers me sympathy, so I'm just not going to waste my words any more.

Today was crazy weather-wise, winds so high they were blowing our outdoor flower display down the street, and rain at times so heavy the drops bounced off the sidewalk like rain falling up instead of down. Not a lot of people braved the outdoors, so it was no problem at all finding a parking spot near our store, and we subsequently had the slowest day of the month. I don't think there is an award for that, but we did get a lot of restock and tidy-up done.

  • Breakfast - Toast w/Marmalade and Coffee
  • Lunch - Beans and Wieners (left-overs from last night), Yogurt
  • Dinner - Fantastically delicious Chicken Soup w/Howard's home grown carrots and turnip along with lots of other yummy stuff, 1 piece of French Bread
  • Snacks - Cranberry Juice, Banana Bread, Banana
I was so ill last night after sneaking that piece of Apple Pie just before I went to bed. Acid reflux for the first time in at least 4 months, and believe me, I won't be eating after dinner any more. All the stuff I used to think was so yummy now makes me feel yucky. Also, as you can see by my ever-growing lists, I'm back to eating some stuff again that I shouldn't be eating - and the scales aren't very pleased with me at all. Oh well. A new month in a few days, and lots of change for me, so I'm going to try to back on track!

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