
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Flog for September 27 + Losing the Losing Streak

  • Breakfast - Toast w/Marmalade and Coffee
  • Lunch - Half a Veggie Sandwich on Half a Whole Grain Baguette, Orange Pop
  • Dinner - Pork Tenderloin, Oven Baked Fries, Yogurt
  • Snacks - Hot Chocolate, Yogurt, tiny piece of Pie
As you probably know by now, I've completely lost it as far as calories are concerned, thus basically losing another month but not another pound. In fact, I have gained some back, although still in the 60's. I think. I hope. I have no excuses, except I'm always craving stuff, always feeling hungry even when I know I'm not, and sometimes just eating makes me feel better. Crazy, eh?

I'm hoping to get things going in a better way when this move is over, and we're settled in Surrey. I have no choice, since I gave away all my fat(ter) clothes. So I'm not going to fret over emotions for the next few days, just clean the few things that are left to clean, knit a bit on my fifth stocking, and enjoy the season premiers of some great shows - for example, I'm watching Glee right now. Lame, eh?

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