
Saturday, July 14, 2012

JULY 14 - Lazy Hazy Days of Summer and Being a Boat Person

Really a Day Off. A day off from work, from walking, from biking, from houseworking - you name it. A day of reading, catching up on Monarch of the Glen episodes, napping and otherwise wasting space.


I did check on what I did on this day last year, and it seems I bought two pairs of shorts. Sure wish I knew where I put them, as they would be sorely needed now. The only shorts I have is ... are ... whatever ... a skort, which is really a skirt with shorts inside. So when I get on and off my bike, anyone who may be in the vicinity is probably thinking they are catching a glimpse of my underpants - but, sorry, close that mouth, that's my shorts. And besides that, I did feel a draft at my lower back yesterday while riding bike, and when I felt back there to make sure my shirt wasn't pulled up, I realized the waistband of the skort is bigger than my waist and I had the potential of revealing that not so nice physical attribute - the plumber's crack. Needless to say, I made certain that wasn't going to happen.

Now, where the hell did I put my shorts. We've moved twice since last July, and I will probably find them in the same place as my missing sandals. I guess if I ever find either, it will be in the last place I look.

Back to normal hours at work starting tomorrow, and Howard arrives home tomorrow night, so these ungodly hours are over for another year, and I have to start packing lunches again. And just to get back to the old me, at 6:30 this evening I started a batch of White Raisin Bread, so no way is it going to be an early night tonight.

After I got the bread on the go, it was Bath Time for a long-haired cat who has been scratching way too much, and a dose of Advantage for the both of them. One is asleep on my bed (Blackie, the bathless one) and the other is sitting by the door with a look of disgust on her face. But I bet she smells pretty. I know she'll forgive me.

My Face Book is loaded with pics of the Leah Caroline, and I love it. It's one way of keeping me in touch with family, friends, and love of the ocean. I've always been a lover of the sea, and some of my happiest memories are those that take me back to simpler times.

See, my dad was a lover of the sea, too. He built this boat for his own use, and we used to fish and explore Bonavista Bay. As you can tell, I had no fear whatsoever.

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