
Sunday, July 15, 2012

JULY 15 - A Welcome Home and a Pretty Sunset

Sunday - not a day of rest for some, unfortunately. Bus, train and bus to Steveston on a misty rainy cool morning, which wasn't terrible, but the way. Steveston was buzzing with people, and time at work went fast. It was really great that Steve picked my up after work in the big blue truck, then we headed to the airport to pick up the wanderer.

Howard's plane was almost an hour late, and we were there pretty early, so we walked and sat and ate and walked some more, trying to get the most enjoyment possible out of a $30 parking fee. Isn't that crazy? Almost $10 an hour for to rent a tiny little spot of pavement  under a roof. However, it was nice to see hubby walk through the doors and back into our lives. He had a great trip, and now has taken his incredibly swollen feet and ankles to bed. Hopefully they will feel normal in the morning. I doubt I'll feel normal in the morning, as I am really tired now.

The Alex Fraser bridge offered us a terrific view of a beautiful sunset, but by the time I got my phone out, and the  camera ready, it was just about too late. Just as I was clicking the button, a bloody big truck sped by between me and the view, and although some people (Steve) thought that was hilarious, I thought not. I took another shot, but it didn't do too well either.

So I stole a picture from Yahoo images. It's a much prettier sunset than the one we had, to be honest. But it isn't from the Alex Fraser bridge - it's of the bridge with the sunset in the background.

My new used cat just sat by my feet and farted. At least I assume she did, it wasn't me, and the smell is horrid. Think I'll shut everything down for the night and go to bed.

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