I thought I had captured the Lower Mainland lifestyle of not letting rain get in the way of my plans - after all, rainy winter weekends are always full of little tykes playing soccer (only the parents get to use umbrellas), and if they can weather the weather, then you'd think I'd be able to also. However, not so much today, it's a grey pouring-down windy kind of day, and my pre-scheduled trip to Walmart has been washed away. No home-made rolls to go with tonight's fish and potatoes - and to tell the truth, maybe no potatoes either. Which reminds me of the old classic
If I had eggs, I'd have bacon and eggs, if I had bacon.
However, with a whole - well, most of a whole - day stretching ahead of me, I may get some housework and other chores done. Or at the very least, some tapping.
A few days ago, when I saw the film crew setting up shots for the
Bates Motel TV series, I decided to check out their main set at Aldergrove, and then explore nearby Fort Langley.
Since yesterday started out being blue-skied and sunny, I thought it would be The Day. However, when I checked Google Transit, I found out that meant a 1 1/2 hour bus ride there, and the same back. A bike ride would take the average rider 5 minutes less, which means it would probably take me about 1 hour more, but that seemed preferable to another 3 hours on a bus. However, the forecast called for rain in the afternoon, so I postponed both methods of transportation, and decided to drag Nikkie to Newton for some Christmas shopping instead.
We had to walk to a corner store for bus change, and then bussed down King George Boulevard to 72 Avenue, where I had seen some cool old-fashioned-on-the-side-of-the-road-shops. I had already decided that I was not going to the malls for my Christmas shopping. I hate malls.
The first shop we visited was
Beach Basket Giftware, and it was chock full of treasures. No wonder it was voted #1 in Surrey/North Delta by the
the Surrey Now newspaper readers.
We could have spent hours wandering around the aisles here, and I'm sure we would have found something different each time. And yes, some lucky people will unwrap something special from this store on Christmas Day!
So on with our hunting expedition. We couldn't pass by this place - anything with
sweet and
sugar in its name is going to attract me like a magnet.
The inside was a treat to sight, although we didn't taste anything. At least I didn't - the kids chomped down on green sugar sprinkled trees for their 'zert (dessert, for those who don't know kidspeak) after dinner.
Now, you may wonder who is getting the gift of tanning-induced melanoma this merry season - no one, actually.
What caught my attention here were the incredible chairs in the window. I sent my photographer inside to take pictures -she's a lot bolder than her timid little mouse of a mother-out-law.
Dear Santa,
I want six of these for Christmas. I have been a (relatively) good person this year. Sort of kinda.
And on we walk. Now, what do you think is behind this door? Only ladies, obviously.
It's actually a hair dresser. Go figure. One would think maybe a gym, or a washroom, or the back door to a strip joint, where the word
ladies would be a bit dubious.
By this time, something below my chin decided it was time to eat lunch, so we headed to ABC Country Restaurant for some vittles.
Our table was under the watchful eye of this rocking Santa, which added to the Christmas spirit.
I am really glad I hadn't checked
urbanspoon's review of this place before I went - we had been there just before last Christmas and found it fine, and this time was just as good.
I ordered the Pulled Pork Chowder, which came as part of a special which included Corn Bread and a Tossed Salad, and Nikkie ordered Chicken Strips and Fries.

The soup was so yummy, just right for a cold rainy day. Yes, the forecasters were right, it had started raining already. The salad was large, with mixed greens (love the spinach), tomatoes, carrots and amazingly good croutons, and the Thousand Islands dressing was the perfect match. The Corn Bread? Well, I love it, but so does Lizzie, so I decided to bring it home for her, as I just couldn't fit everything inside me at the time.
So let's see - a comparison of ABC and White Spot:
White Spot: Pulled Pork Sandwich - very very yummy, a bit HOT as in seasoning - but good
ABC - Pulled Pork Chowder - delicious
White Spot's Chicken Strips are not nearly as good as ABC's, according to Nikkie
White Spot has only cold running water in the Ladies room, which does not go well with arthritic hands, let me tell ya. ABC has nice hot water - lovely!
ABC keeps offering coffee top-ups, but White Spot left me with my original cup of coffee becoming quite cool and scarce by the end of the meal.
So all in all - I would choose ABC over White Spot anytime.
However, our expedition didn't end there - we found
Sue's Book Shelf and some cool items as well as lots of books. More Christmas gifts!
photo by yelp
And nowadays, where a lot of grocery stores, liquor stores and yes, even dollar stores, have security guards by their doors, it was a nice change to see a store patrolled by two cats, even if one of them had a powerful interest in the 'doggy bags' from ABC Country Restaurant.
Drop-in visits to Michaels and the Superstore were next on the schedule - Michaels because one cannot pass by a craft store, and the Superstore because it's home to my favourite BLT Chicken Salad, and then a bus ride home finished our outing.
Now to wrap gifts - where's the darn Scotch Tape?