Saturday, November 2, 2013

Confusion - Canada's Only State, of which I am a permanent resident ...

While searching emails a couple of days ago, looking for something I wanted to repost but had obviously deleted instead, I came across a different email that most accurately describes my present state of mind.

he actually ...well, not really ...made a ......a.......a......well, it was probably my fault for distracting him with my beauty.....but the guy in the front is actually aiden, as howard was in fact in another boat taking pictures of his own, which he found after a bit of searching (the evidence is all the boxes of pictures all over the downstairs kitchen and our bedroom, which i've just spent two days cleaning, organizing and tidying.)

and even though he is now snoring his bloody head off and i can't check it out....i do believe edmund was left-handed, although why i would think that i don't know...though there is soooo much i don't know now (even though i knew everything at one time) there must be one or two little things left that i do know.....although i don't really know what they are.

i'm going to bed now.  i'm confused.

I remember knowing everything when I was in my early 20's - when the rest of the world was a wee bit dim, I was glowing with smart. Now I'm in my early 60's (gulp) I know what I was missing was a little bit of  wisdom. I'm not saying I'm wise now - but wiser, for sure. It all comes down to that old saying, If I knew then what I know now ...Wise enough to know that I didn't know everything then, and I certainly don't know everything now.

I think if my brain had kept everything I ever knew over the years, I would indeed know everything now. But who knows ....

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