Tuesday, October 16, 2012

OCTOBER 16 - Stars, Scarecrows, Witches and Skies

Early this morning, when I took some garbage out to the  bin, I glanced into the lingering night sky and saw Orion, back again after a long vacation down south. So I grabbed my phone and took a picture. Orion has always been my favourite constellation, and I have exclusive rights to the middle star in his belt.
Of course, this isn't the picture I took. I 'borrowed' this one from Yahoo images. The one I took is below, but it's sort of hard to know what it's supposed to be. Only night.
However, night turned to day, and I ended up at Steveston once more, for my last day of work for the week. I had a good day - a bit tired at the end, but that's about it. I took a new pill for arthritis this morning, and it just plain took away my achy sore fingers - just like magic.

I did a quick Scarecrow crawl to snap some fellows I missed yesterday. Want to play the guessing game again?
The Hog Shack - a bbq restaurant. It's where my co-workers took me for my birthday. We didn't end up like the two drunken sots here though.
tao day spa - and they don't use capital letters either - I wouldn't advise going there for a pedi .. looks like they tend to cut the toenails a bit short
These two belong to two different establishments. The frisky one is at Jet Lag, a ladies clothing store, and the angel is from Always There From You, a service that provides help to seniors 
I think Angel looks a bit guilty - hanky panky will do that to you - so I've heard
Now a store story. We sell a lot of Hallowe'en stuff, one item being a fairly large talking and cackling witch. We had two left in stock, one hanging from a peg on the wall, and one hanging from the ceiling above. A woman came in, and after checking out everything in the Hallowe'en display, decided to buy one of the witches. I took the last one from the peg on the wall for her, and she said (of course she said) 'I think the one hanging from the ceiling is nicer.'

I thought of how I would have to get the extra large stepladder, and wedge it between the counter and the wall, where there wasn't enough space to open the legs all the way, then cram my big butt between the counter and the steps so I could climb up far enough to stand on the counter, straddle the cash register on my tippy toes, and reach up to unhook said witch from the ceiling hook. So I said, 'They are both exactly the same.'

And she said, 'No, I want the one up there.'

And I thought, Crap. And I remembered the previous customer, who when leaving, changed her mind from saying 'Have a good morn .... ' and said 'Have a good Fall' instead. And I remembered that famous old egg, Humpty, who had a good fall, and I hoped her wish for me wasn't an omen. And I got that bloody ladder, and I climbed it, and I got that bloody witch, and I suppose I could have been more pleasant about it. Then the customer spent about ten minutes deciding if she wouldn't actually prefer the one that was already down.

I hope she has a good fall, too.

Later in the afternoon, the clouds opened up and sent us a huge thunder shower, minus the sound and light effects. When I finally got off work, the sky was downright beautiful. I don't mean to sound extra special or anything, but I think Someone gave me a reward for not knocking that customer on the head.

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