Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Flog for March 28 - Spring Has Sprung, Finally - and A Mini Trip To New Westminster

Let's see if I can remember anything that happened during the last five days.

On Monday, I got a break from rising way too early and bussing/skytraining to work at an Ungodly Hour, as Howard had to take his wrist to the doctor and get a note so he could go back to work, and as he doesn't like going alone, he begged me to start late and go with him. No arm twisting was required.

Since we got into Richmond way too early for his appointment, we dropped in to the Richmond Centre so I could pick up my knitting magazine. Spring may seem late and too cold outdoors, but it's blooming in the atrium - 
Since there was a Chinese bakery inside the mall, I decided to check it out instead of going to my usual spot, Kam Do. Maxims isn't quite a big as Kam Do, so doesn't seem to have such a large selection, but since we are careful eaters (mostly) it doesn't really matter. I bought 4 Pineapple Cream Buns and 2 Wife Cakes - the Wife Cakes for exploration purposes only. Since the literal translation of the Chinese name is Old Lady Cakes they seemed to fit, anyway.

So. The buns are better than the ones at Kam Do - a different kind of bun entirely. Kam Do's is a bit chewier, where these were soft, and more like a dessert bun. Really good. The Wife Cakes? Well, Pauline didn't really like the half I allowed her - I don't know if she ate all of it or not, but kudos to her if she did. I took one bite and threw the rest in the garbage. The other one got the same reaction from Steve later on that night, although his pal Adrian really liked it. Go figure.

Nothing much happened on Tuesday - except this wake-up gift -

Plus - I saw a heron flying while I was on the bus to work, and a couple of eagles on the way home, so that was good. I love catching glimpses of blue herons - one day when we lived in Richmond one flew just overhead as I was walking down the road - at first all I could hear was the flapping of mighty wings. Then a few feet past me, it dropped a huge white splattery load on the road. I was very grateful it had waited.

I hadn't planned much on Wednesday, but the sunshiney day proved to be much to ignore, so I headed to New Westminster in the morning. I couldn't stay for long, so just had a stroll up Columbia, near the sky train entrance. I decided I would get a bit more up close and personal with the Skybridge, and in case you don't bother clicking the link to find out more about it, this bridge is the longest cable-supported transit-only bridge in the world. Pretty cool, eh?
 I may have walked only a short way - I had about an hour left on my transit ticket, so I wanted to get back to Surrey before the time ran out and I would have had to fork over another $4 to get home - but I saw SO MUCH. There's gotta be another trip in the near future.

 There's another church to check out -

Some really cool antiquey looking thingies on older buildings ...
This reminded me of summer stuff back home in Traytown, NL - I can't remember the name of the rock formation we used to sit on, with our bamboo poles, waiting for a nibble.
New Westminster is such an interesting city, as it has lots of history and lots of old buildings - The Hamley Block is a great example.

This gave me an Alice In Wonderland moment - but I do like the .... door?
And I found a yarn shop, so I had to go in and talk to Shan, the owner. 
And very nearby - a bead shop ...
This phone booth is in front of a British Sweets and Grocery store  - good job I had my cell phone though, cos I don't think there's a dial tone anywhere near this.
They don't have as much produce as Mary's British Home in Steveston, though. Maybe next time I go there I'll try something from their cafe.

See what I mean? Topo Maps & Flags ... and a store called Paper Poet. How could I not cross the street and check these out?

The map store sells .... lots of maps, travel books, flags - it's a really interesting place to browse, but you have to walk sort of sideways as the aisles are so narrow. I got a great map for a future exciting trip I'm planning. And Paper Poet? Well, they sell tons of paper, rubber stamps, etc - great if you are a scrapper. Which I'm not.
I got back on the sky train a few minutes before my transfer ran out, so rather than pay for another ticket in Surrey, I walked home from the skytrain station. In my new shoes. Big mistake. Now I have a sore spot on one of my toes.

After lunch, I stole Christopher and we walked to the library - I had registered him for a kite-making class a few weeks ago, so I spent an hour in a room full of kids of all sizes, and between the two of us, we managed to put his kite together. Now I have to get some coloured Sharpies so he can decorate/colour it, whatever. So far it hasn't seen the sky or felt the wind, but the day will come. After, we waked to Dairy Queen and had a Blizzard (Chris) and a Cherry Sundae (me.) I love cherries. Then we walked home. Poor feet. Poor legs. 

Spring is definitely here. I love Spring.
And this morning? Well, this morning was absolutely gorgeous. In fact, it was (and still is) A Great Day To Be Alive. On my loooong walk to the market and bakery, I even got a chance to stop and smell the roses.

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