Brrr. Chilly morning, only 14 shivering degrees, but the sun was sort of shining, and the forecast looked promising - so off Breehy and I went on another great adventure. Today we were going to cross that Patullo Bridge - or die trying. Only when I got on that bridge did I realize that actually may have been the case.
However - here we are, trying to remember the Google way. Down, down, down - Scott Road is very downy, as a matter of fact.
This picture is very accurate. I had to pull Breehy back as we skidded and rolled down hill. No way was I going to Wheeeee down this one. Ever since yesterday, and Howard's 'flat tire' comment, I have an additional fear of blowing out a tire on a nice downhill ride.
I wonder why this is called Snake Hill?
Oh. That's why. At this point I knew for sure I wasn't coming back this way. King George Boulevard would be a piece of uphill cake compared to this.
After about a hundred downhill miles, we finally reached the level, and then it was quite easy to get to the beginning of the Patulla Bridge. But that is when I discovered that the biking/walking lane is but a mere sidewalk with no safety barrier barring me off in safety from the traffic.
A lot of traffic came in the form of big huge transport trucks, whose wheels almost rubbed against the curb. I made Breehy get outside as we walked up to the peak. The views were fine - here is the Sky Train Bridge. I would rather be taking a picture of it than travelling on it, that's for sure.
And here's Brownsville Park Beach tucked beside the water, sheltered by the trees.
Getting closer to the highest part of the bridge, and finally I get a safer-feeling place to be. These bloody big trucks had all my life flitting by me as they flitted by me.
I finally made it, safe and sound, to New Westminster, and after a bit of riding here, there, and a bit of everywhere, found the road that would take me to
Sapperton, which was my destination. There was a
Canadian Pacific train chugging along by the street - well, actually, it was a CN Train, but I don't think anyone wrote a song about them.
Now I know where to find a Brick Wall when I need to bang my head against one.
And I was really surprised to see a Castle at the top of all these stairs. Not very often I see Castles in the Lower Mainland. However, this castle turned out to be a ....
I guess if Rapunzel has a few Dead Frogs she'll let her hair down. Seems like I'm on the right road to somewhere, though. Not the Burnaby one - the Sapperton Park one that is 1.8 km away.
A bit of a ride, a cross the street, and a down a hill - and I was near the water again, at Brunette Creek, as a matter of fact.
The gates kept one away from the dock - but, what pretty gates they were!
And once I realized I was going in the wrong direction and headed back the park road, I found Sapperton Landing Park. I'm not sure what this symbolizes, but it is pretty.
The Barracks/Penitentiary. I was hoping for a good link that would tell you all about Sapperton, but couldn't find one. I read about them in Mike McCardell's fine book,
GETTING TO THE BUBBLE. If you haven't read this treasure, do. Meanwhile - here's some history for you.
After learning everything about this spot, we started on our explorations once more, this time looking for somewhere to get a bite to eat. We passed this church -
Which was built by The Royal Engineers in 1865. I thought that was pretty interesting.
And then we came across this, which also looked very interesting.
Greens & Beans is a busy little deli - and it's busy because the food is so darn good. Also the menu is so darn cool - I think. I would have liked to order the Big Nasty, or the Big Ass Sub, just to say the words, but I went with something more ladylike.
Here Leona is busy making me a Chicken Cordon Bleu sandwich, and I tell ya, she's got it down pat.
I had a nice lunch on an outdoor table, which was a bit wobbly, but that was okay. I couldn't resist the green of a Crush lime pop, although I did have second thoughts about it when I tasted it. Should have stuck to water. However, the sandwich was delicious. If you live within driving distance, it's worth a trip (or within biking distance, actually.) I didn't eat the Lemon Blueberry Loaf until later on in the evening, and I stupidly shared it with my hubby. It was so moist and so delicious I should have just kept it as one of my little (big) secrets.
Before I left, I went in to thank Leona, and now I have another place where
Every Body Knows My Name. Greens and Beans also does Picnic Baskets, and one day, I want to go there and get my picnic fixings. Anyone wanna come with me?
So, now to return to my Little House on the Corner. Travelling back on East Columbia, I pass this store, which I thought might be interesting to my male readers.
Then this place - I have no idea who would be interested in Mr Anderson and his profession. I wouldn't want a mechanic working on my dental stuff. Just the thought of greasy oily fingers poking around my mouth makes me a bit queasy.
Through the greenway path. Beautiful old cedars make it easy for my camera to impress me.
And here's the bridge again. How beautiful is that?
And here's these trucks again - how scary is that?
This is that Snake Hill on Scott Road I walked down on my way. Nope, definitely not going home that way.
Yes, I certainly will keep off. I had no intention of climbing the girders, believe me.
And here, in the distance is the new
Golden Ears Bridge. I don't think I'm going to ride over that one. Yet.
A huge cloud of blue smoke was rising from the Surrey side of the bridge. Never found out why - it was all dissipated by the time I got across.
Once in Surrey again, I had to find my way to King George Boulevard. There was a lot of construction - what else is new? - and I ended up here -
And here -
And back here - which was definitely where I didn't want to be - as it was leading back onto the Patullo Bridge.
I finally found what I was looking for - and now it was just a long long walk uphill - 4 kilometers, if you can believe Google Transit (and I do) but from then on it was clear sailing - or should I say gliding.

I see somewhere along the way, someone tossed their cookies.
And tucked in the middle of used car lots - another example of Surrey's great One-Stop-Does-It-All businesses. While hubby seals the deal on a new car, wifey can get a makeover.
Then I met this cute little Cylinder Man.
And this Pawn Shop feller.
And it was all downhill after that. Literally. Well, except for a little uphill on 132 Street, which turned into an excellent downhill all the way to my driveway.
And here are my routes - the black squiggle line shows how I got there, and how I got back. Follow the arrow to Greens and Beans.
Below, the blue line shows my route from the Patullo Bridge to Greens and Beans.
I biked/walked over 23 kilometers today, and have the aching muscles to prove it. That's 14 miles. More than that, as I had to backtrack several times.