I decided to head down 128 Street as I had to find a Royal Bank to deposit Howard's check, August 1 being Rent Day and one doesn't want an eviction notice. I could have gone to the regular bank we use, near Surrey Central, but thought I'd combine an exploration with a duty, and kill two birds with one stone, as these cruel old people used to say.
My Google Map directions seemed pretty simple (HA HA HA) - head down 128, turn on 72, to 126, and there you should have it. A Royal Bank would usually be a very difficult building to hide, so I left with no worries. Although my problems may have started with all the left and right-ing stuff. Needless to say, I didn't find one.
However, I did find other things. I guess I missed it, whatever it was - the only thing I can understand is the dates. Once again, a reminder we are in Surrey - if this was Richmond, the sign would be in Mandarin or Cantonese. The Canadian official languages in the lower mainland don't include the two Official Languages of the rest of Canada.
Whatever this was about, it looks like an old bearded guy in a huge bed. Maybe it's just as well I missed it. I have that at home.
So on we travel, until we come to a railway crossing - three tracks side by side, so the warning for cyclists is to dismount and walk. Okay, we did that. And saw a truck chugging up the track. Had to rush to take the picture, because it was getting closer and closer, and the driver probably wouldn't want his picture taken, as it would show what a stupid jerk he was. And no, it wasn't a track maintenance vehicle, as I first thought it would be. It was just a delivery/work truck.
We came across a large grassy parkland area, so detoured to check it out, but the only thing of interest there was a pile of rocks.
After going up streets, and going down streets, I realize I wasn't going to find the Royal Bank, so I just sort of gave up on it, and decided to just go the next street, turn, and head home. However, what to my wondering eyes should appear - a Power Tower paved path, known in Surrey as a Greenway. Yes! We like riding these nature trails, and this one even had a little pond (no, not big enough for a canoe), but big enough for a few ducks.
When I left the Greenway, I headed down towards 132, as I knew that would take me pretty much home. Other than almost getting clipped by transport trucks and having intersections blocked off by cars waiting to merge in to traffic, the most interesting thing was these murals. Can you recognize any faces?
The first two here are easy.
Well, I did get home, another hot sweaty ride, but as you may remember, I didn't do what I set out to do. So after a small respite, where I got my breath back and made scrambled eggs for lunch, Breehy and I set out once again, up King George Boulevard to the bank by Surrey Central. Don't tell her, but I only took Breehy to carry me down the hills, as I really wimped out with the uphills. I did the bank thing, then was pleased to be reminded of Surrey's Farm Market, which happens every Wednesday behind the Sky Train station, so I thought I'd check it out.
And that's when I regretted having scrambled eggs for lunch, as there was a Food Truck there selling Pulled Pork Sandwiches and Beans. Yum - meee. So I'm going back sometime just for that. The market was very small, especially compared to the one at Steveston - what was there, was crammed into a very narrow space, which made it difficult to wheel Breehy around.
Not a lot of going today - about 13 miles. I do have a new number for August too, but it's a ridiculous number, so I don't want to post it. But I will.
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