Thursday, September 28, 2023

September 28 - Not going to bed until I come up with a few words to rite here. There, that’s it. Enjoy, smile, and good night!

 Another boring day in the life of me. Although Howard did install a new knife magnet on the kitchen wall, so arranging the knives gave me something to do. 

The knitting project I had started a couple of days ago got an early finish, because you absolutely know that all worsted weight yarns are not the same thickness, but you figure you’ll try anyway, and see how it goes. So it went, all right. Right in the garbage. Because at my age, life’s too short for frogging.

(For non-knitters: undoing knitting - ripping out knitting - rip it, rip it - like a croaking frog.)

I can’t believe it’s been 12 years since we left Richmond and moved to Surrey, but my Blogspot memories don’t lie. Since then, we’ve moved 3 more times - from Steve’s to the yellow house on the corner of the same street, where I moved a whack of stuff in Georgia (my grocery buggy, long gone, unfortunately), then back to Steve’s a year later, then all of us here, because in September of 2017, Howard and I came back from a trip back home to see a For Sale sign stuck in out front yard. 

We took our time moving from Richmond, every now and then bringing a truckload of stuff to Steve’s basement. Unfortunately, Howard’s idea of what could go early wasn’t mine, and I had a few times where something I really needed was over 20 miles away in a box. 

Which brings me to a Throw Back Thursday. 


September 28, 2011

Some evil phantom changed the timer on our coffee pot this morning - last night, whatever - so just after 3:30am the light sleeper lying on the adjacent pillow nudged me - bloody sharp elbow in the back, one of his favourite motions - to let me know the coffee was just about brewed.

So at 4 o'bloody clock I was up drinking coffee and eating toast, because if there's two things I hate more than drinking freshly dripped coffee at 4 in the morning,  they are drinking old stale coffee, and making new coffee twice a day. And then, because I was up so early, Howard decided there was time for someone nice to make a fried egg sandwich for his lunchbox, so as I slumped and swayed in front of the stove using an egg turner for balance, I didn't really appreciate his advice on how to fry an egg properly. He's lucky he didn't end up wearing the egg. Two eggs, actually.

After he went to work, I would have gone back to bed - or should I say mattress - only he already had the damn thing leaning against the wall in the living room, with the pillows and quilt neatly folded nearby. (The bed has been dismantled for a few days, just so there would be another empty bedroom for me to clean, and we've been camping out on the living room floor.) So - I watched 2 1/2 The Sopranos (although I can't for the life of me remember anything that happened), and I knitted some stocking, and I washed the walls in the upstairs hall. Not so much left to clean now, thank heavens! Although I am finding that the first stuff I did wash sort of kinda needs more washing again. Sometimes, one just can't win.

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