Saturday, June 9, 2012

JUNE 9 - Writing Blocks, Seedlings, and Sloppy Joes

For those of you who don't spend a few minutes every evening tap tap tapping, let me tell you it's not always the easiest thing in the world to find stuff to write about, especially if you take away the topic of food from the table. (Good one, me!)

However. I am just finishing up a very lazy 4 Day Offs, believe me. I didn't walk anywhere, I didn't bake bread, I didn't knit - in fact the only thing I did was Diddly Squat.

I didn't have to water the garden as the rain did that. It also helped the kids' seeds from a couple of weeks ago pop through the ground. I told them (the kids, not the seeds) I had a very tiny huge surprise for them - I thought they would be excited to see the tiny little seedlings. Not so much. They weren't very impressed and still expected a surprise, so I dug out some mouse shaped balloons and blew them up a little.

Once again, I did some magic in the kitchen, and turned 'nothing for supper' into home-made Sloppy Joes. I built the sandwiches with toasted Portuguese Buns - well, mine was only partly toasted as the smoke alarm started screaming after I did Howard's - then a big scoop of Sloppy Joe meat (hamburger fried up with onions, Garlic Plus, seasoned salt, pepper and BBQ sauce,) a big scoop of grated cheddar, and a big scoop of caramelized onions on top - the point being that the heat from the meat and the onions would melt the cheese, which it did, and the top of the bun on top, of course.  Side order of Oven Fries, and that resulted in two stuffed old people. Burp.

I guess I should apologize for including so many reruns in my blogs, as many of you have already read them. You must think that TV is taking a trend from TV, but I haven't written anything new and exciting lately, either in the fiction or non-fiction department. I do have ideas flitting about in the empty space between my ears, and hope to get in the Writing Zone again soon.

I think the biggest reason I haven't written anything fictiony lately is because I am scared to sit in front of the laptop in case nothing comes out. Someday soon I have to braven (?) up and try, because I do miss creating new lives. I think my biggest accomplishment, and surprise, was rereading a story I wrote a few years ago - and weeping for the heroine. It made me realize that I shouldn't get upset at the ending of a book if I don't like it - the writer doesn't seem to have any choice, he has to just write what the characters tell him. So I now forgive Stephen King for ending his Dark Tower series the way he did - I wouldn't be surprised to see me sitting and reading them for the third time in the near future!

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