Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Flog for February 19 - This Blog Is So Boring I Can't Even Think Of A Name For It

This morning's trip to work was blessed with the most beautiful sunrise, all pinks and roses over the Fraser River. By the time I got the phone on camera mode, we had rattled over the Queensborough Bridge and had too many roof lines between me and the magic. However, that wasn't all - I saw the eagle I discovered near Smith Crescent, plus I also saw my special eagle near #7 Road. 

However, it was so cold, by the time I walked from the bus stop to the store, I was shivering, so had to flick into Steveston Coffee for one of their delicious hot chocolates. After a not-so-interesting conversation regarding the rounding up and down of pennies, I went back to the store and settled in for a long day's work. Which started as soon as I finished my hot chocolate.

There was very little excitement in my life today. For the third day in a row, I had a customer rush into the store at 5:27 - I told her I was closing in 3 minutes, she answered that she was out of wool and had to get some. I was not pleased, and had to wait until she looked around to find what she wanted. I had to run to catch the bus - in fact, I wondered if maybe the bun-eating bus driver waited for me when he saw me hoofing it. I will never know. 

Maybe tomorrow will be better. One can only hope.
  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Vegetable Beef Soup from Subway, small bag of Lays Original Potato Chips (because the soup was lonely), and Yogurt
  • Dinner - (now this goes so well together - NOT) - a slice of Hawaiian Pizza and left over from Sunday night Potato Salad 
  • Snacks - Hot Chocolate, the 4th (and last) Coconut Bun, so yummy, banana

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