Friday, September 16, 2011

My Flog for September 16 + 3 Discoveries

 3 new things I've discovered over the past few weeks:
  1. I have a lap 
  2. My seat belt doesn't disappear when I snap it shut
  3. My thighs are longer than I thought

It's been a strange day. I left bussing this morning to do a few errands - picked up my Knitting magazines, my check (so I could afford to get my Knitting magazines,) and go to LifeLabs to have another ECG done, plus a heart monitor halter thingie to monitor my beat-y race-y heart for 24 hours. However, the lady at Lifelabs told me I had to make an appointment for the monitor thingie, so that was a wasted trip. Tons of thanks to the useless gal at my doctor's clinic for not telling me that, the useless gal who replaced Kathy, who's been there for years and knew her job inside out. I hate change.

Nevertheless, I am still packing for a huge change, our move to Surrey in two weeks time. There's not a lot of stuff left in this huge house, and the empty bedrooms upstairs have an echo residing in them. Still a few boxes to move - really important stuff - knitting books, yarn and my writing book library, mostly, plus some stuff that some people would classify as Junk. After this weekend, all the stuff that has to go home with Neil and Shannon, and all the stuff that has to go to Value Village, and all the stuff that has to go to the dump will be gone, and then I'll have the joy of cleaning an almost empty house.

  • Breakfast - Whole Grain Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Cheerios w/Milk, Yogurt
  • Dinner - Pork Tenderloin, Tossed Salad w/Thousand Islands Dressing
  • Snacks - 5 Maltesers, Diet Pepsi, Banana

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