Monday, July 18, 2011

My Flog for July 18 + My Wilderness Trip

Okey dokey. Another day off gone and went just like that. First a doctor's appointment - well, not really first, I guess, first we left Surrey and a nice warm bed at 4:45 this morning, for Richmond and a nice hot pot of coffee. Then Howard went to work, and I went to my own bed, where I slept until 9, and didn't crawl out until going for 10. Nice.

Dr's appointment - prescriptions for bigger and better (hopefully) blood pressure pills, antibiotics for a horrible, damn, hellish, and completely surprising yeast infection, then a plan to bus to Bridgeport to get my third and final surprise for my three grandgirls, to go along with the surprise surprises I'm knitting for them. Hope they love surprises! However, when I finally found a bus stop for the 407 Bridgeport bus, after walking a block and a half, I realized they only came every hour. Yes, damn it, our fine transit big bosses have decided to make me wait over half an hour for the bus I need, so I did the next best thing, which was to hop onto the Cambie Shuttle bus. I would go as far as Cambie then walk a block to Bridgeport and Michael's. Sounds easy, right? Ha ha.

I got off at the corner of 4 Road and Cambie, figuring I would just keep walking up 4 Road and go from there. I knew there was a highway, but I figured there would be sidewalks. But there weren't. A horrible feeling of Deja Vu from our Vancouver Island trip -
- and I ended up walking most of the way to Garden City Road, then scrambling through a gap in the fence, then scooting over two lanes of highway between traffic. Heavy traffic. But I was really careful. I didn't want to be lying lifeless in a hospital bed with tubes in all my orifices and bandages around my head, only to be sued by someone because I dented his bumper when his car propelled me 50 metres in the air only to land on a concrete median. So I am very careful when I jaywalk, or jayrun, whatever the case may be.

However, this didn't get me to my destination either, as now I had to cross a field knee high in grasses and weeds - however I knew when I crossed this field, I would be on Bridgeport. At least I would be if there wasn't a bloody big ditch between us. Shit. Excuse me. So I followed the edge of the ditch until I came to a shallower part that I could navigate with my bare legs and sandals, only now I had two more lanes of road to cross and another road to navigate before I got to the walkie signs that would allow me to cross Bridgeport.

Oh well, mission finally accomplished, now I'm home and almost ready for bed.

  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Nothing
  • Dinner - Nando's Chicken and baked potato and half a bottle of Orange pop. The chicken was so delicious, but Howard said he won't go back because they don't offer onion rings. However, the baked potato was actually horrible, and I would never order that again. I think several people had already ordered the one I got and returned it, causing it to be recooked and recooked and reheated several times.
  • Snacks - Grapes, half a muffin, and another half a muffin. So?

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