Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Flog for November 10 + Just Because It's Cherry-Flavored Doesn't Mean It's Fit To Drink...

Still fighting this dratted cold, took it for a walk to Walmart this morning for some disgusting NeoCitron, should have known better than to buy a medicinal drink, for heaven's sake. Choked it down and although it was quite iffy for a while, kept it down. Then I gave in and slept for an hour or so, til Howard came home from work early and woke me up. I think he has a sensor somewhere that tells him when I am asleep. Spent a lot of my waking day trying not to eat all the candy in our room - going to bed soon so I won't be tempted any more.
  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Brunch - Breakfast Bowl and Coffee from Burger King
  • Dinner - Chicken, Oven Fries, Tomato
  • Snacks -Lemon Pudding Cup, Diet Pepsi,  and, if we don't count the Hallowe'en candies that are littering our room, that's all
By the way - 21 more clicks on my blog will bring my visitor count up to 2400! Thanks, y'all!

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