Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Flog for November 22

The hardest thing to do on Wednesday Night is to remember what one ate on Tuesday, but I'm pretty sure I didn't leave anything out. I absolutely wolfed down my lovely Spinach Salad lunch, as I had to use some of my half hour lunch break to go to the pharmacy to pick up some Tylenol 1s. I've been having some horrible headaches, lower left side of my brain, just above my neck, sometimes radiating down my back. Stress I think, either that or hovering over a pricing gun at work for hours at end. If anyone out there had the same strange things happening to their head, and are still alive to tell about it, please let me know if it could be anything else. (I'm just hoping Gregory House reads my blog, that's all....)

After work Neil picked me up in his chariot (Flat Bed Tow Truck) and took me to his house in Ladner for the night. It was nice to see everyone again, I do miss those little rug rats. 
  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Spinach Salad
  • Dinner - Lasagna and Caesar Salad - thanks Shannon!
  • Snacks - Pudding, Banana, Diet Pepsi

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