Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Flog for October 12 + Settling In

First day off, three more to go. Spent most of it unpacking and storing away treasures. I made a little 'office' in the corner of our bedroom, which I will henceforth refer to as The Cellar. Just because it's in the basement. It's amazing what one can do with a small amount of space when one is determined. We have a clothes area, a sleeping area, an entertainment area (and no, I don't mean the bed), and a knitting book area, I even have a spot for my printer, the cat's dishes, and a garbage can. Amazing. Cozy. 

I'm growing more and more attached to my cell phone, and have mastered texting. You can text me all you want, no matter where you live - it's free coming and going all over the world. Of course you have to be important enough to have my phone number....if you don't have it yet, and want it, just let me know and I'll decide if you should have it or not.
  • Breakfast - Cheerios and Coffee - bet that surprised the socks off ya...
  • Lunch - Toast and Cheese - got to have the toast, even if it was the backs of a stale Whole Grain bakery loaf, it was still yummy. Unfortunately, when my mouth saw it was bakery bread toasted, it was expecting raisin bread toast, so it was a tad disappointed, just for a minute. The cheese made it all good.
  • Dinner - The beginning of the turkey's end - Turkey Pot Pie with my special 'crust' and mashed potatoes, It sure reminded me why I ought not eat that kind of food anymore (ie, mashed potatoes and gravy) as now I am experiencing heartburn for the first time in months and have this overfull feeling that a burp would never alleviate.
  • Snacks - Grapes. Bunches of Grapes. Coffee. ONE piece of fudge (Steve left a fudge trap and I fell into it head first.) 

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