Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Flog for April 17

We are out of baked goods - no cookies, no cake, no cottage puddings, no muffins, no brownies. Still got some bread in the freezer, so I guess the next thing on my baking list will be yummy sweet stuff. Bring on the  carbs!

My bus ride today offered me a terrific view of my Eagle, even if he was on the wrong side of the tree and I had to almost do a Carrie-trick with my head to see him. I know he's a boy as yesterday's bus driver told me only male eagles have white heads. I never knew that before. At least, I don't think I did - maybe I did. I find with my memory that each day has some sort of learning experience. I wouldn't have thought there was still so much to learn. Even though it was rainy and the bus windows were a bit foggy, I managed to snap this pic as the bus sort of went stationary at the right moment -

The bus drive home was long, as Westminster Highway had turned into a parking lot - bus just seemed to be floating along like a boat adrift on the waves. Really. That's just what it felt like, if I closed my eyes I could just imagine looking over the gunnels and seeing schools of jellyfish in the depths. However, I couldn't close my ears, so my mind stayed on the bus. I guess there was an accident or something getting cleared away somewhere ahead.

We will find out on Monday morning at 8AM (while I am on the bus on the way to work) who made the short-list for Richmond's Restaurant Blogger. I have been making long lists of why I wouldn't be chosen, and only a tiny short list of why I may be. Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I'll try not to think of it any more!
  • Breakfast - Subway's Egg and Cheese on Flatbread, and Coffee
  • Lunch - Pea Soup and Bread, Yogurt
  • Dinner - Scrambled Egg, Bacon, Fried Potato - guess we had Breakfast for Dinner, which is fine, as Breakfast is my favourite meal
  • Snacks - A few tiny Easter Eggs, Iced Mocha, and a Pirate Cookie (not homemade either.)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to friends and son, now I know that all adult eagles have white heads, not only the male ones. Guess I'll have to set my friendly bus driver straight!
