Monday, April 9, 2012

My Flog for April 9

Home again home again, jiggity jog - that's good. The bus ride blessed me with a seat mate who reeked of garlic, and who decided to use me for a pillow as she slept her way to the sky train station. After a couple of jabs with my elbow she became a bit more alert, although unfortunately, not less garlicky. The fertilizer scent from the blueberry fields on Westminster Highway was most welcome, as were the bus fumes at the bus stop at 22nd Street.

There are a couple of eagle nests on the way, and I'm always pleased to see the eagle that lives in one. He (or she) is usually perching on one of the branches of the tree, guarding his (or her) home.  I wonder if there are any little eagle eggs in the nest, because that would be so cool. The other nest is a man-made aerie, and there usually isn't anybody at home there.

This link will take you to a site for a family of eagles residing near the river at the south end of #3 Road in Richmond. Not my eagle, but maybe a cousin. The pics are very cool.
If you go to the You Tube link on this site, you will see some pics of the man-made nest at Lafarge - Lafarge is the one I pass every commute, and I guess it's named after the Lafarge Cement Plant that is in the area.

Riding to work in the morning is a lot nicer when it's daylight - especially with the cherry trees and daffodils in full bloom. In winter, it is really dark and I usually find myself nodding off on the way. Although I make sure I don't use anyone else for a pillow. And I really try not to stink.

Work was mostly good, really really busy, and only a few irritating customers. One person wanted help with a knitting pattern because she tried to knit the sweater several times, and couldn't get it figured out. However, she didn't bring her knitting with her, and there was no way to know what she was doing wrong, so she lucked out there.  Sometimes people think we are Pattern Psychics. Someone left a message on the answering machine on Sunday, when we closed, and asked us to put away 3 balls of purple yarn - she was smart enough to tell us the dye lot number. That's it. Last inventory, we carried over 70 different labels of yarn. And there are many shades of purple.

  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - It was Share-a-Soup-and-Sandwich Day, so I had half a bowl of Cream of Broccoli (so good) and half a Roast Beef Sandwich from my favourite bakery, and an Orange (which I didn't share at all)
  • Dinner - A big bowl of green salad - half spring greens and half spinach - with Honey Dijon Dressing, and half a Sausage Roll, from the same bakery as Lunch, and a tiny teeny smidgeony piece of Lemon Meringue Pie
  • Snacks - Hot Chocolate, Iced Mocha, Yogurt, and some Easter leftovers .... mmmmm

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