Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Flog for April 29 - Part 11 (that's two, not eleven)

I just realized taxes are due in by midnight tomorrow. Where the hell are the T4s? Maybe they are with the missing TV remote? I may just be late this year ... again.

I can't even imagine having to go to work tomorrow, but I am really glad I had today pre-booked off. It was actually supposed to be a Fun Day, not a Look for this, or I can't find that, or What's for dinner? Day. I honestly thought I had gotten rid of all the extra I-don't-really-want-this-anymore crap, but obviously I haven't, as I already have 2 boxes of stuff to list FREE on Craigslist. And - I know there's more to come.

I'm motivated now to knit a varied supply of slippers, as our floors are either laminate or ceramic tile, and they are very cold to the tootsies. One of our customers told us she keeps a basket of slippers at the door for guests - I thought that was a nifty idea. Not that we get a lot of guests - but then, you never know. I unpacked my Punch Bowl today, and I'm not scared to use it. I have our (in)famous back-home Punch recipe on my recipe blog - .

I am actually very tired now, and I think I'll hit the sack early. No more packing or searching tonight. I have my big fat Kitty practising his purrs beside me, so I don't think I'll have any trouble sleeping tonight. In fact, I've often wondered why The Guy Upstairs made the mistake of having the husbands snore, and the kitties purr. If Howard purred, I'd never have to give him a good dig in the ribs, and as far as Kitty is concerned, he would never get so big I couldn't throw him out the window. Even if we are upstairs.

However, I can't go until the bread is baked. Takes forever to rise in a cold house, and it's been cold in here all day. I did turn on the heat, but I don't think it did much good, we may have to have the occasional bonfire in the living room if the temps drop below freezing, which is unfortunate, as there is no fireplace there. Oh well, we'll wait and see - and I'll knit lots of slippers - maybe even leg warmers.

  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Peanut Butter Bread, Banana
  • Dinner - It's hard to get dinner when you haven't been grocery shopping. Choices are bacon and eggs, sausages, oven fried potatoes, or left-over chicken. Howard opts for the potatoes, but I don't have all the spices I need, maybe I'll just experiment. Plus he has to wait until the bread is all baked. So for me - dinner will be oven fries and a fried egg. 
  • Snacks - Blueberry Muffin, and the rest of the mini White Chocolate Bunny
I know I usually don't write my flog until after I've finished eating for the day - but by then I may either be wasted away, or passed out. So for once we are assuming I will eat what I wrote. If not, then I'm the only one who'll know the difference, so it really doesn't matter.

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