My Flog for January 18 + Hurry Up, Spring
From June 6, 2011:
I have felt hungry pretty much all the time, but I am doing what I set out to do, which was to give up my scones and muffins, gooey cookie bars and toffee candy, and other lovely things that have always found their way through my intestinal tract. I'm cutting back on junk food, in other words, and still eating stuff that I would normally eat for lunch and dinner, just not so much of it. Plus walking (hobbling?) a bit here and there. One would think that would work, wouldn't one?
I don't know why the page from June 6 of last year popped up when I opened my flog this morning - maybe to remind me of my Weight Loss Plan. Let's see what has changed.
- I have taken up the scones and muffins and stuff again - until now, of course.
- I think I will use small plates for dinners again, instead of giant ones. Although I don't really eat a lo ... yes, I do.
- I have been able to walk more, without hobbling - no cane needed since last November (I must be one of those medical miracles, as the specialist said my knee wouldn't get better, and would get worse, without the surgery - knock wood), and on my 'day-offs' I usually do quite a bit of walking, usually 3+ miles at a time. That's probably why my scales, no matter how hard they try, are not showing huge increases.
I think I've gotten over the holiday season with not too much damage, maybe 1 1/2 pounds depending on which day I weigh in. Now, with winter set in for a few days, comfort foods are high on my list - carbs to keep me nice and warm - but in a few weeks, spring will arrive, and it will be so nice to have warmer weather and pinker trees. Just so you know what I'm looking forward to:
THIS... |
...AND THIS.. |
- Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
- Lunch - Turkey Soup, Pudding
- Dinner - More Soup, Fried Rice, 2 Rolls
- Snacks - Diet Pepsi, Pudding - to tell the truth, I would have eaten a lot more if there was anything else in the house - just have a craving kind of day. I think it's the freezing weather.
Even though I don't think I did much today, I guess I did enough, as I'm really tired and would go to bed if I didn't think it was a waste of time. Today I:
- Did 3 loads of laundry, all folded and either put away or ready to be put away by a different pair of hands
- Made bread - 3 loaves and a pan of rolls
- Changed the bed, and that's no easy task as it's up against the wall and it's really hard to get the sheets on when you can't walk around it. Really.
- Walked to Walmart to meet Howard after work - it was so cold my eyes hurt.
- Plus the usual daily crap.
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