Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Flog for August 31 + How Dangerous Can A Restaurant Get..

Okay. One night before my next new (I hope) number and DH decides he wants to go to Pizza Hut for dinner. I knew if I vetoed his idea he would sulk for probably three days, and it's sort of tough to have someone not talking to you and ignoring you for three days (although there are times when I would relish it) -however - we went.

We both brought home doggie bags. His contains one-half minus one piece of a Supreme Medium, and mine contained about half of a Chicken Pomodoro. Just now checking the nutritional value for that - and the first two numbers on that particular line are 727 and 1200. Oh Goodness, I ponder - would that be fat grams and calories? Hope not. Let's have another look - Crap. I thought pasta with tomato, garlic and olive oil and grilled chicken would be a lot friendlier that this. The 727 is weight in grams. I think that's about 1 3/4 lbs. Sure hope they weighed the plate too. 1200 is  calories. And the amount of fat grams? 69. I thought I picked the least fatty one, I didn't pick an Alfredo as they described it as creamy, so of course I thought it was cream based, but I definitely shouldn't have picked the one I did. The only good thing? (besides the taste, of course, as it was positively yummy) is that it contains 60% of the day's iron requirements. As far as sodium, I'm not going near that one. Is Pizza Hut trying to kill its customers? Crap. Thank heavens I only ate half, and the half in the fridge is going somewhere, anywhere but in my belly. I still can't believe I ate almost a pound of pasta/sauce.

So here I am, loaded up on fat and calories and sodium, and tomorrow is coming very quickly. Thanks, Howard. Thanks a lot.

Meanwhile, each of Howard's slices of pizza were 310 calories and 14 fat grams. He had 5 slices...let's see...mmmm...1550 calories and 70 fat grams. Well. I don't feel quite so bad now, although if I told him his intake he wouldn't give a damn. He doesn't care how he looks in a skirt.
  • Breakfast - Toast w/Jam and Coffee
  • Lunch - Half a Veggie Sandwich, sparkling water with orange juice (San Pelligrino)
  • Dinner - Pasta (600 calories and 35.5 fat grams approx) plus 2 small pieces of Garlic Bread
  • Snacks - Yogurt w/Fruit on the Bottom, Banana, Grapes, Diet Pepsi

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