- Breakie - Toast and Coffee
- Lunch - Beans (love Heinz Beans, but I didn't eat the whole can - just less than half! Oops. Beans are the only food I would ever eat out of a can - not sayin' I did, just sayin'....
- Dinner - Sloppy Joe Pie w/Oven Baked Fries - http://allrecipes.com.au/recipe/9459/oven-baked-potato-chips.aspx and I'll post the link for the pie when I figure out how to do it right - or at least better. The bottom part was great, but the top - not so much. But Howard et al simply loved the Fries - guess there's a lot of chopping in my future
- Snacks - Grapes, Diet Pepsi, a big fat Chocolate Chip Oatmeal cookie, and wine gums....oh well, I walked about 2 1/2 miles today - that should even out the calories from the cookie.....maybe....
So I walked up to IGA to get stuff to make dinner, and am trying out 3 new recipes I found online. Not a lot of cooking/prep work for a hot day, but I'm going to make some Chocolate Chip Cookies now and see if I can hide them before Shannon gets home with the boys, so it will be a surprise dessert. Although if Neil drops in unexpectedly, the surprise may be on me when I look for them after he leaves. My problem will be doing a taste test and stopping at one - that's been my lifelong downfall, stopping at just one cookie.
Well, after another (unexpected) trip to IGA for butter, the cookies are now being baked - and the kids are home. Tanner was rather pleased when he saw the first batch cooling on the table, so I had to tell him they were broccoli-potato-scallop-onion pancakes. He seemed fine with the first three ingredients, but the onion part sent him off sadly.
`"Nanny, I thought they were cookies."
I`m such a bitch sometimes. It's a wonder anyone loves me at all.
Feeling so bad - I gave everyone a cookie, and everyone, including me, loved them, except Shannon. She said they were bland. Huh. I'll post a link to the recipe so you can try them yourself, and I will definitely make them again. I think they are really healthy too, as they don't have any white sugar in them (smile.)
So that's it for today. I will hopefully enjoy my dinner - it's bubbling away in the oven. To tell the truth, it looks like we may have to get something delivered, the pie looks a bit strange - but we will see. I'm going to assume it will turn out the way it's supposed to, and if I close the blog post now I won't eat anything else until breakie. I promise.
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