Monday, May 14, 2012

My Flog for May 14

Bright spot of the morning - sighting my Eagle on the way to work. Kind of makes up for having to be on the bus. It wasn't very busy at work, but I had lots of visitors - Pauline, Elizabeth, Novella and Edith - so I was sort of tired of chatting by the time the end of the day rolled around. It's a good thing Chris didn't have a huge long list for us to do.

The ride home was uneventful, except for all the people trying to get free rides. One group of 5 females, (aging  from pre-schooler, who would ride free, to a child and 3 adults, who would be paying child's and adults' fares)  tried to ride with only one fare. Guess sometimes they get away with it, but not today. From the look one of them gave the other, I would say they knew exactly what they were doing, and the face said, "Shoot, the gig's up." She did have a monthly pass, but she didn't have the zone and month scratched off - which means she could have been carrying it for months, or even years. The bus driver made her scratch off her zone - she lived in Vancouver - and then made her pay an extra $1.25 for an upgrade for a two-zone ticket. Several other people had obviously ridden in from Vancouver on a one-zone ticket, and he made them upgrade to a two-zone when they boarded in Richmond - it is a two-zone fare between those two cities.

And I say - Proper T'ing, b'y. If all the fare evaders paid their fair fare, maybe the transit rates wouldn't be so high.

I was just putting some Cranberry Muffins in the oven as per Howard's request for tomorrow's lunch, when Steve dropped in to borrow the truck. He made a point of telling me he preferred Blueberry Muffins, so these came out of the oven a few minutes ago. If Neil lived nearby I'd probably be mixing up a Lemon Loaf now - but instead, I'm going to watch me a catch-up episode of Coronation Street and head for bed.
  • Breakfast - Toast and Coffee
  • Lunch - Pea Soup, Sausage and Egg McMuffin
  • Dinner - 2 Chicken Drummies, Pudding
  • Snacks - Cranberry Muffin, Banana Bread, Hot Chocolate

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